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Fishermen on Small Aral Sea.

Travel advice on Aral Sea Kazakhstan.
"Endow, dear companions, the Aral fishermen and workers, a generous hand! You will make human conscience, you strengthen working revolution. You will show to the whole world, and first of all all workers that indestructible power of the working Soviet state built on the broad help each other of proletarians of the places which are most remote from each other”
On October 7, 1921 V. I. Lenin Letter to fishermen of the Aral Sea.
Solo traveller on Aral Sea in Kazakhstan.
In Aralsk the plant on processing of fish "The Flounder the Balyk" (productivity of 300 tons per year) located on the place of the former bakery, the joint-stock enterprise for release of fish production of Aralbalyk created on the basis of the Aral fish plant works.
In 2008 in Aralsk the plant on processing of fish of “Atameken Holding” (design productivity of 8000 tons per year) which will use the fish got in a northern part of the Aral Sea (the Small Aral Sea) opened. Nowadays the enterprise works not at full capacity.
After filling with water of the Small Aral Sea life in coastal villages sharply changed. Fish came. Fish now in the price - for one catch from the boat it is possible to earn both 100, and 200 thousand tenges. Fish a pike perch on the Small Aral Sea very popular fish, is a local delicacy.
Fish a pike perch is exported to Belgium, export of finished fish goods reaches 3,6 times. To 11 000 tons of fish it is processed at the fish plants in the Aral district of the Kyzylorda region. 22 species of fish live in the Small Aral Sea now.
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.