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Fortified estate Sengir kala 2.

Architectural sights of Kazakhstan.
"History for the most part is a shameful spectacle for humanity."
Johann Gottfried Zeime.
Culture monuments of Kazakhstan.
The fortified estate Sengir kala 2 is located 23 kilometers west of the fortified estate of Balandy 1 in the Zhalagash district of the Kyzylorda region. The estate is located on the left bank of a latitudinal dry channel belonging to the same hydrographic system of the Inkardarya channels as Balandy.
The monument was opened in 2014, in the same year a topographic and 3D survey was carried out by the route group of the Chirikrabat archaeological expedition [Archive of IA MONRK F. 2. No. 3176]. Sengir-kala 2 is a rectangular structure with rounded corners (44 x 24 meters), oriented with corners to the cardinal points.
The towers on the outer wall of the estate are not traced. The walls have been preserved to a height of 0.70 to 2 meters. The entrance, 4 meters wide, is located in the central section of the north-eastern wall, closer to the northern corner of the monument.
The interior layout is quite clearly visible on the modern surface. In the northwestern part of the monument, apparently, there was a small (6 x 5 meters) rectangular building - a residential building. The rest of the area within the outer walls of the estate was probably an open courtyard.
Fragments of ceramics were collected on the surface of the estate and an iron arrowhead was found. An open settlement adjoins the estate from the southeast; it consists of residential buildings, located in rows along the canal. In one of the houses, a separate industrial furnace was found, of which only the lower part, oval in plan (2 meters in diameter), has survived.
The wall thickness of the furnace is 15 - 20 cm. The furnace is similar in appearance to the hearth # 5, which was found at the Babish-mulla 7 settlement, as well as the industrial furnace found at the estate # 2 in the Balandinsky oasis [Archive of IA MONRK F. 2 # 3256 ; Kurmankulov, Utubaev, 2013].
Judging by the topography and lifting material, the fortified Sengir-Kala estate belongs to the Chirikrabat culture
Geographic coordinates of the fortified estate Sengir Kala - 2: N44 ° 07'14.42 "E63 ° 05'49.31"
Utubaev Zhanbolat Raimkulovich. “Settled agricultural culture of the Eastern Priaralye (Second half of the 1st millennium BC). Dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences. Kemerovo - 2018.2018