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Glaciers of Small Saukdara.

Climbing routes in Tajikistan.
"The infinity of the possible is beckoning by the restless human mind..."
Yu.N. Roerich
Trip from Dushanbe to Murghab.
The Small Saukdara Glacier is located in the Murghab region of the Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region on the southern slopes of the Zaalai Range in Tajikistan. The length of the glacier is 14.3 kilometers, an area of 23.5 square kilometers, advancing in 1966 and 1974 - 1975.
His glacier snout emerges in the form of a wide blade of purer ice on the glacier snout of Big Saukdara, buried under a moraine. During the movement of 1974 - 1975, the speed of advancement of the end of the glacier was 6 meters per day, about 100 million meters of cubic ice and about 0.5 million tons of soil were carried out.
The area of the glacier increased by 1.5 square kilometers. After each of these movements, the glacier again receded into its valley. After the last movement in the floodplain of the Sauksay river, a three-tier ice section remained - buried ice of the Big Saukdara glacier below, then not having time to melt the remaining ice of the previous Small Saukdara glacier and, finally, from above - the ice of its last movement.
"Glaciers." L.D. Dolgushin, G.B. Osipova. Series "Nature of the world." Moscow, the publishing house "Thought". 1989.
Alexander Petrov.