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Glaciers of Vilka.

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Upper limit of Vilka glacier is located at an altitude of 5628 (Lipsky peak) and 5374 (Boris Polevoy peak) meters above sea level, end of glacier is at an altitude of 3944 meters above sea level, is left (southern) branch of Sugran glacier, located on northern slope of Peter Great ridge in Lakhsh region of Republic of Tajikistan.
In its middle course, the Sugran glacier receives a large tributary on the left - the Vilka glacier. This active, steep glacier is located in the northern spurs of the Peter the Great mountain range and belongs to the basin of the Sugran River, which, in turn, is a left tributary of the Muksu River.
This glacier connects with the Sugran glacier, pushes its flow to the right side and can be traced far downstream, bordered by median moraines. Over the past decade, this glacier has been actively advancing. From 1972 to 1977, the front of the Vilka glacier moved downstream of the Sugran glacier by 0.6 kilometers, and by 1980 by another 1.2 kilometers.
Geographic coordinates of Vilka glacier: N38°56'10 E71°42'17
"Glaciers." L.D. Dolgushin, G.B. Osipova. Series "Nature of the world." Moscow, the publishing house "Thought". 1989.
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.