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Gorges of Tatyr and Alamedin.

Trips on mountain gorges of Kyrgyzstan.
«Travel is paradise for fools»
The brief description of a route of excursion walk in natural boundary Tatyr with hiking to gorge Alamedin:
Bishkek - settlement Besh-Kungei - settlement Tash-Moinok - settlement Tatyr - natural boundary Tatyr - mountains Uzun-Kyr - gorge Alamedin - The "Wolf Gate" - Bishkek.
Extension a route: 37 km.
Seasonality: all-the-year-round.
The Best time for travel: April - September.
The advanced order - for 36 hours.
Duration of walk - 7 - 8 hours.
The detailed description of excursion tour in natural boundary Warm springs in Alamedin gorge:
1 Day.
Transfer: Bishkek - settlement Besh-Kungei - settlement Tash-Moinok - settlement Tatyr - natural boundary Tatyr (30 km, 1 hour.)
Our walk in mountains Kyrgyz Ala-Too begins from natural boundary Tatyr. On a highway which goes from settlement Tatyr we rise through natural boundary Top Tatyr on a farm "Chonkurchak".
Our foot walk From here begins. On a foot track we go to the western bottom of ridge Uzun-Kyr, and then is sharp on the West. Lunch in a way. From here in a former direction it is necessary to rise on a small spur of ridge Uzun-Kyr.
On a crest of a grassy ridge the track is laid. It is possible to go down from any place in gorge Alamedin. At a choice of a good way, it is possible to go down to natural boundary "Warm springs" in gorge Alamedin.
For orientation we find from above narrow gorge of the river Alamedin, formed by exposures red granite. Descent in gorge Alamedin (5 km). Returning on gorge Alamedin through "The Wolf gate" (2 km).
Here we are wait a motor vehicle, returning to Bishkek.