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Grave of Zhabagy Ipanula.

Mausoleums of Kostanay region.
“Under the banner of your unconquered, it is not a shame to die undefeated!”
Poet Akylbek Shayakhmetov.
Works of monumental art in Kazakhstan.
The monument to Zhabagy Ipanuly is located at an altitude of 205.9 meters above sea level, located 1.1 kilometers north of the left bank of the Ayat River, 1.1 kilometers northwest of the village of Zhuravlevka, 5.1 kilometers southeast from the village of Nikolaevka, 16.2 kilometers south-west of the village of Shcherbinovka and 4.4 kilometers north-west of the village of Ayet, on the territory of the Ayat rural district, in the area named after Beimbet Mailin in the north-west of the Kostanay region.
Zhabagy batyr is a direct descendant of Koblandy batyr, the grandson of batyr Tugel, who inherited strength, endurance and wisdom from his grandfather. The history of his grandfather Tugel itself is bright and interesting.
When the wife of Akzhigit gave birth to a son, the people could not choose a name for him for a long time, then the Khan of the Horde gave him the name Tugel, thereby blessing him as a defender of the people. When Tugel grew up, he became a participant in many campaigns and became famous for his exploits.
Abylai Khan once expressed his blessing to a jigit by asking:
"What do you want? Should I hand over my throne, or should I give up my happiness?
Tugel replied:
- “Power is not needed, and happiness lies in the fact that the ruler himself pays attention to it.”
And then Abylai Khan handed him a marching banner. When two sons were born to Tugel - Ipan and Dzhanibek, he passed the banner received from the hands of Abylai Khan himself to his youngest son Ipan. The son of Ipan Zhabagy batyr lived in the XVIII century on the territory of the modern district named after Beimbet Maylin in the area of Karaoba.
The valiant life story of the batyr is permeated with incessant battles with the Oirats for their native land. Zhabagy batyr died in 1722 in a battle with the Kalmyks as a worthy son of his people. According to folk legends, Zhabagy batyr led an army against the enemy.
The battle lasted a long time, in the battle the Kalmyks wounded the batyr's horse, he continued to fight on foot, but the enemy's arrow hit him. Knowing that now he will not be able to recover from his wounds, the batyr Zhabagy gathered the soldiers and punished them:
- “So that the corpses of enemies do not poison the area, decomposing, dig a large hole and bury them. And when I also die, build a large mound of stones and earth over this pit, and bury me at the very top. I will lie on top, crushing them with myself and protecting them.
So he wanted to forever suppress his enemies, so that they would never again raise their sabers against his fellow countrymen. The order of Zhabagy batyr was fulfilled. A huge mound was poured, so big that it is hard to believe that it was man-made.
The grave looks like a military guard, as if Zhabagy batyr is looking at the ground from a height, protecting it. Later, his closest associate Zhamanka batyr was buried near Zhabagy. Having visited the burial place of the batyr, the famous poet Akylbek Shayakhmetov remembered the words of the great Abai:
- "Under the banner of your unconquered, it is not a shame to die undefeated!"
At the foot of the man-made mound there is a memorial stone, and a stone staircase leads to the top of the hill to the grave of a brave warrior. Not far from the grave, located at the mouth of the Ayet River, a stream flows at the bottom of the ravine.
According to the old people, the water from the spring is sacred, who drank the water from the stream feels cheerful and healthy. Pilgrims often come here, pray here at night, get cured, glorifying batyr Zhabagy and his holy spirit.
The descendants of the famous batyr, the inhabitants of the village of Taranovskoye Berdalinov, keep family heirlooms that are passed down from generation to generation - the marching flag of the 18th century, presented to Zhabagy batyr's grandfather Tugel Ablai Khan, Zhabagy batyr's belt pouch and a book in Old Arabic.
Geographic coordinates of Zhabagy Ipanuly site: N52°51'40.68" E62°27'51.17"
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