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Harem in Kunya-Ark.

Excursions across Khiva.
"Sheikh said to the harlot" You are drunk every day
And no matter what time, the network is lured to others! "
To him that: “You are right; but you yourself are like that,
How do you all look like? "She replied"
Omar Khayyam.
Architectural monuments of Khiva.
The harem is located along northern wall the Kunya-Ark and fenced off from its other part by the general high wall with one small input. He represents alternation of separate rooms with aivans extended in one number from the West from the east, with the general court yard before them.
Walls are inside plastered clay and places are decorated by carved panels or groups of niches with an openwork groove on clay. Aivans have on one column and rooms are cleaned as simply, as well as.
This harem is constructed Mokhammed-Rakhim-khan (last).
Ya.G. Gulyamov. «Monuments of city of Khiva». Publishing house UzFaN. Tashkent. 1941.