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Historical museum of Turkestan.

Turkestan - the capital of the Turkic world.
“I've known rivers:
I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers”
Langston Hughes.
Turkestan in Kazakhstan.
The historical museum of Turkestan is in a historical and architectural monument Barracks, located on Tauk khan Avenue. The museum is located near Ancient Turkestan. The monument having local value. The sea on 188 m is higher than the level.
This construction was constructed for accommodation of the lower ranks of the first company of the Turkestan rifle battalion. The construction one flour is constructed of a brick, the roof iron, in the plan has a rectangular shape.
In the 1990s the idea of transformation a construction in the museum was lifted, in 1995 the museum "Azret Sultan" together with Institute of Archeology of A.Kh.Margulan created the Turkestan archaeological expedition the Purpose of an expedition is to explore the medieval cities located in the city of Turkestan and nearby areas and to collect material for future museum "History of Turkestan".
The building of a historical monument was chosen as the place for the museum, the exposition of the museum which consists 8 rooms was created, the museum was open in 1500 of the anniversary of the city of Turkestan.
In 2014 - 2015 to a monument restoration works were carried out. In 2016 new recovery work where there were additions in old exposition statements a monument were carried out the Arch of historical and cultural monuments of Kazakhstan under numbers No. 594.2 is brought it is protected by the state.
Alexander Petrov.