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History of valley "Medeu".

Travel Almaty mountains Guide.

 “I've known rivers:
I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers” 

Langston Hughes.

Walks of day off in "Medeu" valley.

Archival documents confirm the interesting document - about the application of the volost third aul of the Vernensky County of the Low-Almaty volost Medeu Pusurmanov to the governor Semirechya. In the application it is about granting to it, "Medeu", "the place on construction of wooden houses near the gorge "Kim-Asar", near giving the general Kolpakovsky.
In reply to it it was declared that it and his relatives can "build housing and economic constructions and without any permission of administration". This fact is confirmed by the authority and respect of city administration True to Medeu Pusurmanov and his relatives.
"Medeu" valley is located in the foothills of the ridge of Zailiysky Ala-Tau at the height of 1520 - 1750 meters above sea level in the valley of the river Small of Almaty. The valley is surrounded by mountain spurs: Kimasarsky, divides the rivers Small Almaty and Butakovka, in the east - Kabyrgatau, differentiates gorges of the rivers Kimasar and Sarysay, in the southwest - Kumbel, in the south - a sports complex, a high-mountain skating rink and "Medeo" hotel, a dam.
Through "Medeu" valley the highway to Mynzhilki valley lies. The name "Medeu" (Medeo) in the Russian option in 1920 the commissioner and the writer D. A. Furmanov. He told the order on opening in the valley of the first recreation area "with treatment koumiss in the building of the former Country boarding school to "Medeu"".
The speech about "Medeu" houses which functioned as Country boarding school by this time. In 1893 in. Right (Almaty), there were about 2000 houses, and in this town the territory already belonged to Medeu Pusurmanov.
Pusurmanov Medeu the persistent work and will reached everyday wellbeing, was the person educated for the time, and called Kazakhs for settled life, agriculture, craft, acquainted the children and relatives with education and culture.
He actively participated in construction of. True, paid much attention to gardening and improvement of the city, and its suburbs. On its initiative birchwoods along the road on "Medeu", gardens in the areas Terysbutaka - the Kamensk plateau, gardens around Bedelbay - Prosveshchenets were put, Baganashila, an oak grove at sanatorium Turksib, etc.
Medeu Pusurmanov was the most active of participants of charitable, sponsor's affairs in. True, supported restoration of the city after earthquakes, floods and hunger. From here his enormous authority and popularity in the Vernensky city authorities.
About its richness, kindness, scales of charity and width of popularity in the region sang of great Jambyl in the songs. Under certificates and memoirs of relatives and old residents, Medeu came from a poor man's family, in young years worked.
The assumption of its merchant origin is not confirmed by the facts. The father Medeu - Pusurman-batyr, his genealogical tree - shaprashta. Is later Medeu persistent work will reach relative everyday wellbeing that will allow it to live in the valley.
At first it was the wintering, later - the Lithuanian where in the conditions of delights of natural gift - to a zhayla herds of sheep and herds of perfect breed of horses. The person who is rather educated for the time Medeu freely communicated and held authority among the famous contemporaries.
Not too long life of Medeu Pusurmanov broke in 1908 at the age of 58 years. It had 20 children - 12 sons and 8 daughters. It is buried at the patrimonial cemetery about the May Day dam though about his burials and today very few people know.
The street of a name of the general Kolpakovsky (Lenin Avenue, nowadays Dostyk Avenue) which among gardens and the Tien-Shan fir-trees led directly to Medeu possession was the main city street those years.
On the lands allocated to it several wooden elite houses were built.
Geographic coordinates of "Medeu" valley: N43 ° 09'20 "E77 ° 03'45

Rest house in the Medeu tract. 1929 – 1930.View of the Medeo Hotel. The building was an architectural and urban planning monument and was protected by the state. However, it was demolished in the mid-2000s. 1980s.Valley Medeo. 1929.

Guide Alma-Ata, 1990, Planeta publishing house, Moscow, P. Proskurin.