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Ivanovskiy ridge on Altai.

Walking tour to Kazakhstan Altai.
“It is untrue that equality is a law of nature. Nature has no equality; its sovereign law is subordination and dependence”
Luc de Clapiers de Vauvenargues.
Open spaces on Kazakhstan Altai.
In the central part of the western Altai the most beautiful and high ridge - Ivanovskiy which east part is divided into a number of ridges with the maximum heights is located: Prokhodnoi peak 1864 meters above sea level, Serzhinsky 2012 meters above sea level, Rassypnoi 2317 meters above sea level and actually Ivanovskiy.
On the right river bank Gromotukha there is Krestovay mountain 2200 meters above sea level. In the east from this top, sharp peaks of rocks "Three brothers" 2379 meters above sea level darken. Still to the east (in a middle part of the ridge) the peaked Vysheivanovskiy peak rises into the sky - it is the highest mountain of the Western Altai - 2877 meters above sea level.
The Ivanovskiy ridge is located in the west of Rudnyi Altai, in the East Kazakhstan region. Length of its about 100 kilometers. Peak the Vesheivanovskiy ridge, locals call Voroshilov peak. On slopes of the Ivanovskiy ridge there are small deciduous also coniferous forests.
The next settlements: city of Ridder (the former Leninogorsk), village Poperechnoe. Sources such rivers as Kazachikha, Gromotukha begin with the Ivanovskiy ridge. On east parts of the Ivanovskiy ridge near the lake Palevskoye and sources of the river of Big Turgusun it is located a natural sight under the name Black Uzel.
Altai the Kazakhstan, originator A. L. Kobozev, Alma-Ata, Kaynar, 1986.
Alexander Petrov.