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Kengirbaya Bi mausoleum.

Camping trip in East Kazakhstan.
“He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior”
Lightweight hiking in Kazakhstan mountains.
Kengirbaya mausoleum Bi (in the people Bi ata) is in the Abay Region of East Kazakhstan region in 8 kilometers on the northwest from the natural boundary of Zhidebai. Kengirbay was born in 1735, died in 1825. Kengirbay was a brave soldier who presented to the people the earth, protected it together with Abylay khan.
Before death, Kengirbay Bi, transferred control to the grandfather of Abay - Oskembayu. Mazar aulie, in translation from Kazakh - the Saint Kengirbaya, is constructed on the small hill which is in 143 meters to the east from lodges for visitors.
According to a legend of Kengirbay chose to himself the place for burial during lifetime. From the hill the panorama on surrounding feather grass steppes of open spaces of East Kazakhstan opens.
Authority and by photos
Alexander Petrov.