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Kulisiekh lake in Kulikolon lakes.

Photo tours to Kulikolon lakes.
"Quiet evening, starry evening
Leaf fall wanders through the forest.
Christmas trees are drawn to the sky with candles,
And the path goes into the fog"
Yuri Vizbor. "Podmoskovnaya". 1960.
Photos of Kulikolon lakes.
The flowing, fresh lake Kulisiekh (translated from the Tajik "Black Lake"), located at an altitude of 2874 meters above sea level, is located in the northeastern part of the intermountain Kulikalon depression, east of the Govkhon mountains, northeast of the Saryob mountains, in the southern and southwestern part of the Chimtarga valley, in the valley of the Artuch river, 5.1 kilometers southeast of the Artuch alpine camp in the Fan Mountains, in the northern part of the Gissar ridge in the Penjikent region of the Sughd region.
The waters from Lake Bibijonat overflow into the vast Lake Kulisiyokh. The shores of the lake are overgrown with rugged thickets, the water is dark and mysterious. The bottom is covered with long dark brown algae.
The length of the lake from the south-east to the north-west is 513 meters, taking into account the westernmost reservoir separated from the main lake Kulisiekh by a 30-meter channel, the greatest width in the eastern part of the lake reaches 192 meters.
The perimeter of the lake is 1003 meters, the area is 38846 square meters.
Geographic coordinates of Lake Kulisbek: N39 ° 15'35.82 "E68 ° 11'33.78"
Alexander Petrov.
"Fan Mountains and Yagnob". N.V. Paganuzzi. 1968. Moscow. Physical Culture and Sports Publishing House.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.