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Kutlug Murod inak Madrasah.

Historical places of Khiva.
“Khevak collapsed and rebuilt many times. The deceased father of their majesty (Allahulihan), may their souls rest in paradise, Abulgazi Mohammed Rahimkhan and his younger brother Kutlug Murad inak, the city was landscaped, their efforts built a large madrasa (Kutlug Murad inak, 1812) and mausoleum, and a mausoleum, 1812, and a mausoleum built a madrasa (Kutlug Murad inak, 1812) and a mausoleum was built. the mausoleum of Pakhlavan Mahmud, 1810 - 1825)”
Historian Hudayberdi ibn Koshmuhammed Khivaki.
Cultural walks in Khiva.
The madrasah of Kutlug Murod inak was built in the western part of Ichan fortress, opposite of Olloqulikhon Madrasah in 1804 - 1814. In his novel “Dili garoyib ”Khudoyberdi ibn Qoshmukhammad wrote: ”Khiva was destroyed many times and it was restroyed again.”
The perished father of the exsellency and Abulgaziy Mukhammad Rakhimkhon and his younger brother Kutlug Murod Inak flourished the city, with their attempts big madrasah was built.
Madrasah was two stroyed, there were 81 dwellings and vakf land of 24 634 cord, as well as a small study and mosque and theme was a special well “tagizamin” (a domen cistern) inside it.
The madrasah was built on the basis of Abdulaziz madrasah construction in Bukhara. On the purpose of saving fond architects had to simplity the construction of madrasah and they didn’t build summer verandas and two large rooms in the flanks of madrasah, instead of them they built, ordinary dwellings Khiva’s masrers renewed old tarh and they decorated the arch with ornaments.
Summer mosque was built in the eastern arch of madrasah and there was wooden attic in the height of the second storey on the top of the mosque. new elements are sen in their composition northern and southern atties were wider than western and eastern attics. In this way masrers made the yard nice.
The around of portal was trimmed with colourful tilts,the bouquets of madrasah were trimmedwith such tiles and the samples of plasters art inside the arch gives them beauty.The gate of madrasah and engraved inner doors of madrasah and study are worth og paying attention.
Each door is a wonderful sample of exquisite wood carving. According to legends Qutlug Murod Inoq bequeasthed to bury him at the threshold of the madrasah. According to the rules of that time intobringibg a dead body from outside into the city was forbidden.
But they found the watout for it. The clay wall of madrasah was knocked and in this way they city and buried the body at the threshold of the madrasah,after it the wall of fotress was repaired again.Karakalpak poet Berdak studied in this madrasah .
Nowadays the exposition of fine art has been organized in the madrasah.
Alexander Petrov.