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Lake Kenebai in Ulytau.

Wildlife Tours in Ulytau.
“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime”
Mark Twain.
Private tour Karaganda region.
Lake Kenebay (Kinembay reservoir) is located at an altitude of 427 meters above sea level in the northern part of the Akshoky mountain range and in the northwestern part of the Ulytau mountains, 633 meters from the left (western) bank of the Karatal River, 7.5 kilometers southeast of Sarlyk village, 24 kilometers north-west of Ulytau village in Ulytau district of Karaganda region.
In Central Kazakhstan, most of the lakes are formed in river beds. Lake Kenebay was no exception, the small river Aybas flows into the lake, and the river Sarylyk flows out. The length of the lake from the southwest to the northeast is 2.7 kilometers, the greatest width in the central part is 1.4 kilometers.
The northern part of the lake is swampy.
Geographic coordinates of Lake Kenebay (Kinembay reservoir): N48 ° 42'23.33 "E66 ° 41'31.78"
Alexander Petrov.