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Lake Kuturga park Kolsai kolderi.

National parks of Southern Kazakhstan.
"There is nothing more inventive than nature"
Mark Cicero.
Park Kolsai kolderi.
Lake Kuturga is located at an altitude of 3263 meters above sea level, located on the northern slope of the Kungei Alatau ridge, on the territory of the Kolsai Kolderi natural park in the headwaters of the Kotyrgan River belonging to the Chilik River basin in the Kegen district of the Almaty region.
Moraine, flowing lake Kuturga has a length of 498 meters from the south-east to the north-west, the greatest width in the northern part of the lake is 186 meters. A small stream flows into the lake from the south, flowing from the foot of the Kuturga pass at a height of 3403 meters above sea level.
A significant tributary flows into the southwestern part of the lake, flowing alternately from four lakes, which are located in the west and southwest of the lake. 90 meters west of there is a swampy lake from which part of the streams fall into the lake, the other part into the Kotyrgan River.
The left tributary of the Kotyrgan River flows out of the northern part of the lake. The distance from the lake to the mouth of the Kotyrgan river is 20 kilometers, from the lake to the Kuturga pass is 1.3 kilometers.
Geographic coordinates of Lake Kuturga: N42 ° 51'41.02 "E78 ° 04'44.32"
Alexander Petrov.