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The legend of Akkun in Bayanaul

Group inclusive tour to Bayanaul.
“I haven't finished revisiting Sleeping Beauty. As a faerie tale, that one is rife with inherent difficulties. After all, the world doesn't stop just because one person is asleep”
Anna Sheehan, A Long, Long Sleep.
Travel from Astana to Bayanaul.
The people have many tales, and in them good always fights evil. There is a legend about the son of the Sun and Earth Akkun. Accun lived in heaven, but often visited mother Earth, loved the expanses of her steppes and mountains.
However, each time the son was surprised: the Earth was somehow sad.
He was afraid to disturb her with a question about this, and yet he dared to once.
My favorite! - answered the mother.
- I see: a bright, kind soul with you, but can you help? In these mountains and valleys appeared the evil and treacherous Khan Karahan.
He doesn’t like it when people rejoice and have fun, makes him so much trouble that their eyes do not dry out from the insults.
I’ll help, mother, ”Akkun answered.
He went into homes and delighted their inhabitants, distributing seeds of flowers of happiness to them, saying:
The days of spring have come. Throw seeds into moist soil - and in the valleys and mountains will grow bright, like the rays of the sun, flowers.
They will remind you of me, bring joy, and Karakhan will not approach yurts and winter people, will not interfere with your work and your songs.
The inhabitants of the steppes and mountain valleys rejoiced, thanked Akkun, did everything according to his advice. Since then joyful work and happy holidays have been living in our region. On the wide expanses, flames of flowers glow.
Priymak D.P. “Bayanaul reserved” Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan, 1982.
Alexander Petrov.