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Legend of Kabanbai batyr.

Tours & travel Astana.
“I've known rivers:
I've known rivers ancient as the world and older than the flow of human blood in human veins. My soul has grown deep like the rivers”
Langston Hughes.
Tours to Astana.
"Karakerey Kabanbai died on November 13, 1770, in cold winter. In that area very cold winters. Therefore his family could not arrive to its funeral, they arrived only to anniversary of his death. In day of a funeral on the street there was cold weather, to build the mausoleum on the place of burial at once it did not turn out, on a grave of the batyr established a big yurt.
During life the people respected the batyr as the Saint therefore after his death residents of the settlement to establish the yurts closer to the place of burial. In the spring the batyr family who could not arrive to his funeral arrived to the place of burial and to begin to build saint tomb.
They filled white crushed stone around a yurt, since then in the people this place began to call "A white grave Karakerey Kabanbai the batyr". The early name of Astana was Akmola, "The Akmola fortress", "town of Akmola".
Cultural heritage Madeni Mura.