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Local history museum.

Excursions on museums the Kurgan-Tobe.
The historical-study of local lore museum a museum is in Kurgan-Tobe to the address of 735140 Republic Tajikistan, Khatlon of province, of Kurgan Tobe, street Aini, 13. The hstorical-study of local lore museum in the Kurgan-Tobe is based in honour of the 50 anniversary of irrigation Vakhsh of a valley in May, 1982 under the decision of the regional government. Settles down in building specially constructed for it.
The museum stores about three thousand exhibits, almost their half is exposed on a constant exposition. Now the assembly actively replenishes due to gifts of areas which act in a museum after the various celebratory and solemn actions which are passing in city Kurgan-Tobe.
Expositions of a museum are located in several halls on the area nearby 400 square metre and include following sections:
Geography and nature Vakhsh of a valley.
Ancient history and archeology Vakhsh of a valley.
Medieval city.
Traditional culture of Tadjiks.
The Establishment of the Soviet authority and struggle with басмачеством, collective-farm construction.
Irrigation Vakhsh of a valley and celebrating of the 70 anniversary of irrigation Vakhsh of a valley.
The Soviet period in histories of Tajikistan and development of the industry, culture, education and medicine.
The exposition is professionally issued by theatrical artist Hajrullo Dovlatov. Original collection subjects supplement the stages-breadboard models representing craft workshops and plots of a life of medieval city.
Unconditional advantage of an exposition is use in her of set of historical photos of the end XIX - the beginnings of XX century from assembly of the museum, and also from assemblies of other establishments.
The museum conducts active work with schools and educational institutions of city, supervises work of museums in areas. The museum takes part in the actions, devoted to holiday Navruz and a Muslim holiday of sacrifice (Go Kurbon).
The museum is opened from 9.00 till . The day off - Monday. An input paid.
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