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Makpal Gorge in Zhambyl region.

A trip through Chaldavar check-point to Bishkek.
“When the nightingales stop singing, crickets begin to chatter”
Maria von Ebner-Escherbach.
Trip from Taraz to Issyk-Kul lake.
The Makpal gorge is located on the northern slope of the Kyrgyz Alatau in the Ryskulovsky district of the Zhambyl region. Estimated area - 20,000 hectares.
The Makpal Gorge is located in the mid-mountain zone at an altitude of 2800 meters above sea level.
The gorge is unique with its tugai forests of rare endemic species: Talas and Tien Shan birch, wild sievers apple trees, Regel pear, hawthorn.
The gorge has alpine and subalpine meadows with a rich species diversity of ornamental and medicinal herbs, among them red-listed and endangered species: peony, caraway, licorice, elecampane, gentian, Veronica, irises, Greigi, Kaufmaniana.
Alexander Petrov.