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Makpal Lake in Sairam-Ugam park.

Horse ride in Sairam-Ugam park.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change”
Charles Darwin.
Walk to Makpal Lake in Sairam-Ugam Park.
Makpal moraine lake is located in the headwaters of the Makbalsai gorge at an altitude of 2290 meters above sea level on the northern slope of the Ugam range in the mountain system of the Western Tien Shan in the Tolebi region of Turkestan region.
Three nameless tributaries originating from springs and glaciers from the northern slopes of the Ugamsky ridge will flow into the lake from the southern side. The length of the lake, from south-east to north-west is 406 meters, the largest width of the lake is 227 meters.
Lake of flood origin. The coastline is 1 kilometer long. A 15-kilometer hiking and horse trail leads from Makpal Lake to Ugam Village. The mirror area of Lake Makpal is about 2000 square meters, the greatest depth of about 15 meters.
The water in Lake Makpal is emerald and blue, the water temperature in July and August reaches 18 degrees in shallow, beach areas. In the southeastern part of the lake, in the rocks there is a small cave.
Alexander Petrov.
Photos used
with permission of Alikhan Abdeshev, Tourism Manager of Sairam-Ugam National Park.