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Mausoleum of Karmakshy ata.

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“I bless you who yearn for truth, unity
And frank conversations with kindred spirits.
I am grateful to the unfortunate and disadvantaged
And I avoid those who are satiated with life, pleased with themselves"
"Hikmets" by Khoja Ahmed Yassavi.
The Karmakshy ata mausoleum (kaz. "Karmakshy" - a fishing rod) is an architectural monument of the XIV - XV centuries, located 1 - 2 kilometers from the center of the Karmakshy district of the village of Aiteke bi. Saint Karmakshi ata (1630 - 1710) lived in the vicinity of the present-day Aiteke bi settlement.
The place where the Karaozek channel joins with the main bed of the Syrdarya river was called "Karmakshinskaya ferry". It has the shape of a square (7.3 x 6.0 x 7.3 meters), the top is domed. There are no patterns on the walls and dome, whitewashed outside and inside.
For the first time, I. Kastanye drew attention to the Karmakshy ata Mausoleum, who noted that it was built of burnt clay. The local population, who considered Karmakshy ata a prophet, covered the roof with a white cloth, on which his biography was written. According to folk legends, Karmakshy ata was the patron saint of the town.
The mausoleum has not been studied, only the records of I. Castagnier and others have survived.
Photo from the book:
G.G. Gerasimov. "Architectural monuments of the valley of the Kara-Kengir river in Central Kazakhstan". Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. Alma-Ata. 1957r.