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Mausoleum of Kuttybai.

Walking tour in Kyzylorda region.
“For Muslims, my hikmets will be a teacher
Whoever it is should worship God
My hikmets, speak only to those who understand.
Praising with prayers, immerse yourself in the mercy of Allah"
"Hikmets" by Khoja Ahmed Yassavi.
Pilgrimage tours to mausoleums of Kyzylorda region.
The Kuttybay Mausoleum (kaz. Құttybay kambezі) is located in the Kazaly district of the Kyzylorda region, 3.8 kilometers southwest of the Urkendeu village and 9.7 kilometers southeast of the village of Kozhabakhy and 2.7 kilometers west of the Zhankent settlement.
Mausoleum of Kuttybai is an architectural monument of Kazakhstan of the XVIIIth - XIXth centuries. The architect of the mausoleum is unknown. The mausoleum is built of baked bricks. The dimensions of the Kuttybai mausoleum are 11 × 9 meters, the height is 9 meters.
In the plan, the structure is a rectangle divided into two rooms - a square gurkhana with sides of 6 meters and a narrow corridor. The front door is made from the side facade. The mausoleum is covered with a dome. In the decoration of facades, figured brickwork made of multi-profile bricks is widely used.
In 1982, the Kuttybay mausoleum was included in the list of historical and cultural monuments of the Kazakh SSR of republican significance and was taken under state protection.
Geographic coordinates of the Kuttybai mausoleum: N45 ° 36'49.68 "E61 ° 53'11.30"
Photo from the web site:
Written by Evgeny Volkov.