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Mausoleum of Mirzhakyp Dulatov.

Monuments of history and culture of Kazakhstan.
“Are you really from the threshold
Will you chase them into the night?
Really, grinning like a wolf,
You growl angrily:
"Away!" It's not fat in your heart, but hot blood!
Caress the orphan, do not skimp on love,
Do not regret, do not grieve - the time of honor will come,
And the Almighty, returning, will return to everyone a hundredfold.”
Mirzhakip Dulatov. "Pity the orphans".
Cultural heritage of Kazakhstan.
The mausoleum of Mirzhakip Dulatov is located at an altitude of 157 meters above sea level, located in the village of Bidayik in the Bidayik rural district, Dzhangeldy district in the southwestern part of the Kostanay region.
The village of Bidaiye is located in the central part of the Torgai plateau, west of the Torgai hollow, 108.7 kilometers north and slightly east of the village of Torgai, 113.5 kilometers northwest of the village of Amangeldy, 47 kilometers northwest of the large lake Sary-Kopa, 33.3 kilometers northwest of the village of Uzunkarasu,
Mirzhakip Dulatov is a prominent representative of Kazakh culture and literature of the early twentieth century, a poet, writer, and public figure. One of the leaders of the Alash movement. M. Dulatov was born on November 25, 1885 in the village of Sarykopa, Dzhangilda district, Kostanay region.
Mirzhakyp Dulatov first poem was published in the first issue of the Kazakh newspaper "Serke" in St. Petersburg. The first collection of the poem "Oyan, Kazakh!" (“Wake up, Kazakh!”) was released in Kazan in 1909. The title of the book served as a manifesto, an appeal of the Kazakh intelligentsia at the beginning of the XXth century to the people.
The entire circulation of the book was destroyed, and the author was persecuted and imprisoned. However, M. Dulatov actively continued his literary and journalistic activities. During this period, he publishes the novel "Unfortunate Zhamal" ("Bakytsyz Zhamal", Orenburg, 1910).
This is the first novel in Kazakh literature, which was a huge success. Since 1913, permanently residing in Orenburg, Dulatov, together with A. Baitursynov, published the Kazakh socio-political newspaper, which lasted until October 1918. In 1916, together with Baitursynov and Bokeikhanov, he opposed the tsar's decree on conscripting Kazakhs for rear work.
During these years, he actively participated in the organization of the Alash movement, wrote the party program. In 1922 - 1926 he was engaged in teaching at the Kazakh National Institute of Education in Orenburg; worked in the judicial organizations of Petropavlovsk and Semipalatinsk, in the press in Kyzylorda.
In 1928 he was arrested, and in 1930 he was sentenced to death. The sentence was commuted to 10 years in the camps. Mirzhakyp Dulatov was exiled to a camp in Solovki, where he fell seriously ill and died on October 5, 1935. He was rehabilitated only in 1988, and in September 1992 he was reburied in his native village Bidayik, 108 kilometers from the village of Torgai.
In October 1992, the remains of Mirzhakip Dulatov were transported to their homeland and buried with honors in the village of Bidayik, where the mausoleum was built.
Geographical coordinates of mausoleum of Mirzhakip Dulatov: N50°36'03.70" E63°44'23.57"
Authority and photos:
Alexander Petrov.