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Mausoleum of Zhangir khan.

Sights of the museum of the village of Khan Ordasy.
“Contentment is the eternal enemy of movement.
The soul to the heights is the way to strive.
Gives satiety - satisfaction,
But only to accomplish feats with a movement! ”
Ella Wilcox.
Excursion to the Khan’s headquarters “Bokey Ordasy”.
The mausoleum of Zhangir khan is located in the khans cemetery in the north-west of the village of Khan Ordasy. In 1849, Zhangir Khan was reburied in a manufactured wooden mausoleum. In 1933, this mausoleum was adapted for the needs of agriculture.
In 1997, at the request of local residents and with the support of the regional leadership, the architect Kopbol Demesinov built a new mausoleum with high white-stone domes. The historical and museum complex also includes a pantheon of memory from the three mausoleums of Zhangir-khan, Dauletkerei (cousin of the khan) and Mukhamedsalyk Babadzhanov (student of the khan, historian and ethnographer, whose ashes were reburied from the territory of the military training ground). All three mausoleums are built in different architectural styles.
The museum complex with an architectural dominant in the form of a palace of the khan is included in the list of monuments of republican significance. Zhangir-Kerey Khan, during his life in Russian was called Dzhanger (1801 - August 11, 1845) - the khan of the Internal (Bukeev) horde (1823 - 1845), the son of Bukei Khan, the founder of the Bukeev horde.
June 22, 1823 the Russian Emperor Alexander I Pavlovich signed a decree on the appointment of Zhangir Khan of the Bukeev Horde. In 1840, Zhangir-Kerey Khan received the rank of major general of the Russian army. In his youth, Zhangir-khan received primary education from a home teacher-mullah, then, at the behest of his father, he lived and raised in the family of the Astrakhan governor S. S. Andreevsky. He received a European education, knew Russian, Persian, Arabic and partially German. He was a frequent guest at Kazan University.
After one of the visits by the khan of the university, local scholars wrote the book “Stay in Kazan of the Kyrgyz Khan Dzhean-Gir” (1826). Zhangir Khan presented 6 valuable ancient manuscripts in Arabic, Persian and Turkic to the library of the university.
Zhangir-khan had his own house in the administrative center of the Bukeevsky Horde, the city of Khan Headquarters and in Astrakhan, a trading yard in Saratov and a parking lot in Orenburg. Zhangir-Kerey Khan often visited St. Petersburg, participated in the coronation of the Russian Emperor Nicholas I Pavlovich, visited Kazan and the North Caucasus.
Zhangir-Kerey Khan was an ambitious ruler, purposefully striving to strengthen his political power among the Kazakhs by expanding the khan’s powers and centralizing the management system in the Horde. As a man who had a level of education high enough for the steppe monarch of that time, he approached the problem of strengthening khan power in the Horde in a different way than the Kazakh rulers who preceded him, and at the same time he was guided by the well-known model of Russian autocratic rule.
Zhangir Khan began to give public lands to private individuals. At first, he distributed them to local bosses as a reward for his service, and then he began to sell them for money, issuing special acts. Essentially, this boiled down to a complete theft of land.
This agrarian policy of the khan, aimed at feudalizing the Horde, sharply aggravated and exacerbated social relations. A third of the population of the Bukeevsky Horde turned out to be completely without land, many were forced to rent it from their neighbors, in the nearby Russian provinces.
Mining was widespread, the land began to turn into an object of trade. Zhangir-khan was an active conductor of the policy of imperial power. One of the main economic restrictions for the Kazakhs, who were given permission by the tsarist authorities to wander between the lower Urals and the lower Volga, was the prohibition of Kazakhs from settling Cossack, Russian and Tatar lands along the banks of the Volga and Ural rivers, as well as the coast of the Caspian Sea.
Kazakhs did not have the right to water cattle and fish from these rivers. Such a policy of Zhangir Khan led to a popular uprising led by Isatay Taimanov and Makhambet Utemisov (1836 - 1837). The main reason for the uprising was the impoverishment of a large mass of Kazakhs and other ethnic groups (Sharua) as a result of the lack of a sufficient number of pastures.
Zhangir Khan suppressed the uprising with the help of Russian troops. As the ruler of the Bukeev Horde vassal to the Russian Empire, Zhangir-khan did not have the right to conduct an independent foreign policy. At the same time, Zhangir-khan was in friendly and economic relations with other parts of the Russian Empire.
He visited St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia several times. In 1826, he participated in coronation celebrations in connection with the accession to the throne of Nicholas I. During the coronation, the arriving foreign diplomats attended the reception of the khan.
In 1845, he visited St. Petersburg, where he was received by Emperor Nicholas I. He was awarded the Order of St. Anne of the 1st degree. Zhangir-khan had three wives: Yuzum Khanym, Fatima Khanym (d. 1845) - the daughter of the famous Orenburg mufti Muhamedzhan Khusainov (1756 - 1824) and Salih (died in 1852) - the daughter of Yesaul Bukeevsky Horde Karaul- Khoji Babadjanov. From these wives he had sons: Seyid-Girey, Sahib-Girey, Ibrahim, Zyulkarney, Iskander, Ishmael, Ahmed-Girey, Gubaidulla and the daughter of Zuleikh, Taish and Hadish. The eldest daughter of Zuleikh was subsequently married to a descendant of the famous Murza, Colonel Alexander Tevkelev, who lived in Orenburg.
In 1845, Zhangir-Kerey Khan died. There are three versions of the khan’s death: according to some sources, Zhangir-khan was killed by a barber before meeting with Emperor Nicholas I. According to another version, he died of a stroke.
There were rumors among the people that he was poisoned. According to the testament of Zhangir Khan, his beloved son Sahib-Kerey, who was 16 years old in 1845, should have become his heir. He studied in the imperial Page Corps, and his mother, Fatima Hanim, summoned him from St. Petersburg.
In July 1847, on the way from St. Petersburg to the steppes, Sahib-Kerey Khan suddenly died. Despite the fact that Zhangir-Kerey Khan had several more sons, the khan's title in the Bukeev Horde was abolished.
“Based on field research. Ermaganbetova K. December 2016. "Register of memorial complexes built during the period of independence." "Practices and places of memory in Kazakhstan." Medeuova K.A., Sandybaeva U.M., Naurzbaeva Z.Zh., Tolgambaeva D.T., Ermaganbetova K.S., Melnikov D.N., Kikimbaev M.Zh., Ramazanova A.Ch., Tlepbergen A .B., Zhetibaev E.Zh., Orazbaeva D.E., Poltavets K.A.