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Mausoleum Zhauke Nazargululy.

Sacred geography of Kazakhstan.
"Only the sum of the obstacles overcome is a truly correct measure of the feat and the person who accomplished this feat"
Stefan Zweig.
Monuments of history and culture of Kostanay region.
The mausoleum of Zhauke Nazargululy is located at an altitude of 200 meters above sea level, located 100 meters on the right bank of the Kara-Torgai River, 3.4 kilometers northeast of the village of Yekidin, 95.3 kilometers southwest of the city of Arkalyk , 27.2 kilometers south of the village of Zhanakala, on the territory of the Saryturgay rural district, subordinate to the town administration of Arkalyk in the southeastern part of the Kostanay region.
The ancient aul Yekidyn (the center of the Saryturgay rural district) is a true pearl of natural resources and historical monuments in the Kostanay region. Not far from the ancient structures of the pre-Islamic Yekidyn - I, Yekidyn - II, in the low-lying part of the steppe plain, there are old burials.
Among them is the mausoleum of the legendary national hero Zhauke batyr. This man is known for his military prowess and as the closest associate of the famous Kenesary Khan. The mausoleum of Zhauke batyr is located in the village of Yekidyn, on the territory of the city administration of Arkalyk, Kostanay region, dates back to the XIXth century.
Among other monuments of history and culture of the Kazakh people, which are found in abundance near Yekidyn, the mausoleum of Zhauke batyr, a comrade-in-arms of the leader of the national liberation uprising of the second quarter of the XIXth century, Khan Kenesary, attracts attention.
auke batyr (1819 -1889) - a native of the Torgai steppes. As befits a warrior, he spent most of his life in campaigns and battles. He completed his combat path far from his native places. Seriously wounded, he was taken to where he was born, where he found his last refuge.
Here, nearby on a hill, in honor of the 175th anniversary of their famous ancestor, his descendants, in the second half of the 90s of the last century, erected a sculptural structure. The memorial sign, stylized as a military helmet, is visible from afar and serves as a reminder to the traveler about the brave batyr.
Not far from the mazar, a mosque rises in the steppe, in honor of the legendary Zhauke batyr. The mosque was built at the end of the XIXth century by one of the sons of Zhauke batyr. This iconic red brick building is more than a hundred years old.
She served not only as a prayer house for believers, but also as a school for the village children. There was a madrasah at the mosque where children were taught Arabic reading and writing and the basics of Islam.
The name of Zhauke batyr is mentioned in the studies of the famous historian Ermukhan Bekmakhanov "National liberation movement of the Kazakh people under the leadership of Kenesary Kasymov." The vivid image of the batyr Zhauke is revealed in the novel-trilogy of the writer Ilyas Esenberlin "Nomads", the poem "Karka" by akyn Nurkhan Akhmetbekov.
In the native village "Sarytorgay" of the Amangeldy region, a monument to Zhauka batyr was erected and in the regional center of Amangeldy a memorial compositional monument to the batyrs Iman, Zhauka, Koshkar was erected.
One of the streets of the regional center of Amangeldy is named after him. According to legend, being seriously wounded, the batyr was taken to his native land and buried here in 1847.
Geographical coordinates of mausoleum of Jauke Nazargululy: N49°33'01.20" E66°09'33.65"
A. Amanzholova, researcher at the Denisov Museum of History and Local Lore.