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Memorial-landscape complex "Ulytau".

Attractions Ulytau.
"The son of Jochi Khan with a group of peers
Rushing to hunt down a herd of kulans.
Young men are afraid to return to the bid.
What awaits the comrades of the fallen son
Full of evil forebodings
Jochi Khan is looking for his beloved son.
People are approaching the khan are afraid
they hide their eyes and go far away.
If the news is bad -
tin will pour into the messenger’s ear!”
A trip from Kyzylorda to Ulytau.
The memorial and landscape complex "Ulytau" is located in the Ulytau district of the Karaganda region, created and opened in 2015. The complex begins with the main square of the Ulytau region, where in honor of the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate, a memorial to the Kazakh khans, called "Khan Ordasy," is installed.
This is a monument to the khan, who sits on the throne, on a white nightmare. White marble is represented by white marble, ornaments, tangas of Kazakh families, and behind the throne there are four huge granite stones on which the names of all khans are carved, from Kerey to Kenesary khan.
The memorial is a collective image of Kazakh khans. In front of the memorial, marble stones with the names of Kazakh khans and the years of their khanate are installed on the right and left sides. Further along the tourist routes, the complex unites the Dombaul Mausoleum, the Zhosha Khan Mausoleum, the Alasha Khan Mausoleum, the Khan Orda settlement, the Beskamyr settlement.
The cultural and landscape complex of Ulytau, already included in the preliminary list of UNESCO World Heritage, is in fact the most important symbol of Independent Kazakhstan. Serik Tleubaev in his book describing Ulytau as the cradle of the Kazakh people, the cradle of the nation, refers to oral history.
Where this area is described as fertile land, with juicy, nutritious, medicinal herbs, with clean springs, with deep rivers, where the rulers of the steppe are on top of the mountain - the khans founded the Khan’s headquarters, where ordinary people found a home, but both history and nature itself say and show that Ulytau is the promised land. In the materials of the program "Medeni Mura", Ulytau is also poetically described as "... the edge of hoary antiquity.
Even a cursory list of monuments is striking in its antiquity and diversity. Many sites of the Paleolithic and Neolithic epochs, which are strewn with these places, thousands of tools of primitive people are found at each spring and on every lawn, as if presenting evidence that these lands from ancient times attracted our ancestors with their beauty and fertility ”Geographically, the region of Ulytau, where the formation of the foundations of Kazakh statehood took place, in fact, it is part of the larger Saryarka region and it is characterized by multifaceted artifacts from the Bronze and Stone eras (archaeological heritage), ryans, mazars, kamalas (material objects), Khan's residences, places of battles and burials of the period of the Kazakh Khanate (landscape objects).
For example, one of the largest stone structures in Kazakhstan, built in the pre-Islamic period, the mausoleum of Dombaul. The shape of the mausoleum is similar to a yurt, in Kazakh culture this form of construction is called “dің”, the mausoleum was built in honor of adviser Zhoshikhan, the batyr, kuisha and the marksman - Dombaul.
Another mausoleum dedicated to the founder of Altyn Horde, Jochi Khan, is one of the most striking and interesting architectural monuments of Kazakhstan. Also a significant object for this region is the mausoleum of Alash Khan, whose name is associated with the formation of the first state “Alash” (қазақ).
Everything that combines these artifacts into a single cultural space is associated with rituals of worship of natural landscape objects - individual mountains, lonely trees, clean springs, graves of individual Sufis. In Ulytau, the highest mountain is called Quliye ata, from which the Quliye bұla river flows, and the каly prefix itself also means an excellent degree of height, achievement, significance.
Practices of such veneration date back to one of the most ancient sacred rituals of worshiping the world peak. From the point of view of modern memorial culture, the Ulytau memorial-landscape complex begins on the main square of the village of the same name, the regional center of Ulytau, where a memorial to the Kazakh khans, Khan Ordasy, was erected in honor of the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate. This is a monument to the khan who sits on the throne on a "white" nightmare.
White marble is represented by white marble, ornaments, tamgas of Kazakh families, and behind the throne are four huge granite stones on which the names of all khans are carved, from Kerey to Kenesary khan. Such a monument, in fact, is hybrid, when the collective image of the khan personifies all Kazakh khans.
“Based on field research. Ermaganbetova K. December 2016. "Register of memorial complexes built during the period of independence." "Practices and places of memory in Kazakhstan." Medeuova K.A., Sandybaeva U.M., Naurzbaeva Z.Zh., Tolgambaeva D.T., Ermaganbetova K.S., Melnikov D.N., Kikimbaev M.Zh., Ramazanova A.Ch., Tlepbergen A .B., Zhetibaev E.Zh., Orazbaeva D.E., Poltavets K.A.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.