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Mosque Zhuma in Turkestan.

Tours 2019 in Kazakhstan.
“Does progress mean that we dissolve our ancient myths? If we forget our legends, I fear that we shall close an important door to the imagination”
James Christensen.
Tour of safari on jeeps across Kazakhstan.
The underground mosque of Hilvet in Turkestan, is a medieval religious construction is half underground. It was constructed in the XIIth century, functioned to the middle of the XX century. It is located in 120 meters to the south of Hodzha Ahmed Yassav mausoleum.
According to scientists the word "kylut" in translation from Arab "khalauatun" means one, only. That is this place for one person where he can devote the life to Allah completely. When Skin Ahmed Yassavi 63 years were executed, he ordered to construct to him "kylut" and the remained life lived there.
In a kyluyeta he brought up the pupils and wrote books: Divani hikmet, Miart - Ul - Khulub, Pakyrnama and many others. Total of rooms in a Khilvet - 18. Height from within 4,8 m, length is 20,9 m, width is 14,7 m, the general height together with a roof of 6,4 m.
After reconstruction, in the underground mosque three entrances appeared. During construction all conditions for accommodation of the person and for performance of religious actions were created. There is Zhamagatkhana, the Mosque, rooms for economic works, for washing, hot water and kitchen.
"Monument history and architecture of Kazakhstan. Southern Kazakhstan area". Volume 1 - Alma-Ata. Main editorial office "Kazakh of an Entsiklopediyasa", 1994.
Alexander Petrov.