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Muhammad Sodik the mausoleum.

Tours of pilgrims over the Kashkadarya province.
“The dawn is burning, flashing from the clouds with sparkling enamel domes.
And minarets of wondrous beauty flaunt everywhere like flowers ... ”
Alisher Navoi.
Tours in the village Lyangar in Kashkadarya region.
On a slope of mountain the local cemetery is located, at top of a hill the mausoleum of sheikh Muhammad Sodika constructed in XV century is located. In 2007 the mausoleum has been restored.
At reconstruction external doors of the mausoleum are replaced modern, and inside doors have remained untouched. In the mausoleum is five tombs:
- the women, presumably one of Amir Temura's daughters (under assumptions of local residents),
- Muhammad Sodik, its sepulchral stone is painted by gold,
- son Muhammad Sodika, its sepulchral stone is painted by silver,
- Abuh-Khasan, the sheikh of Yemen who has renounced board and became the eremite.
The spike of the mausoleum is decorated by four spheres, such spike is established only above a tomb great Sifi. Under the legend if to think of desire and to bypass three times around of the mausoleum, the desire will come true.
Around of the mausoleum there are tombs more than three hundred Sufi, pupils and followers Mukhammad Sodik. 7 pages were stored In the mausoleum from Koran Usman, now they are transported to Tashkent, in institute of oriental studies.
The tomb of the sheikh is modest and majestic simultaneously. The tomb is very beautiful, its kind on a background of mountains grasps spirit. The mausoleum surprises with the unusual Gothic architectural style.
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Alexander Petrov.