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Mukhamedzhan Seralin (1872-1929).

Sacred tour of Kostanay region.
"Education is what remains after everything that was taught is forgotten"
A. Einstein.
Enlighteners of Kazakhstan.
One of the prominent figures in the public life of the Kazakh people at the beginning of the XXth century, poet, educator, journalist, teacher. Mukhamedzhan first studied with the mullah. When he was 5 years old, he and his mother moved to Troitsk, to the mother's relatives.
There he entered a Russian school. Then he lived with bai Arystan, looked after his children, who studied at the Kostanay Russian-Kazakh school. In his free time, Mukhamedzhan also attended lessons, being, as it were, an auditor.
Then, with the help of the Ilyins' teacher, he also entered this school and in 1891 graduated with honors. After that M. Seralin takes exams for admission to the Orenburg school, which trained teachers. He successfully passes the exams, but due to lack of funds for study, he returns to his aul.
Here Mukhamedzhan has been working as a teacher for several years, teaching children both Russian and Kazakh languages. This and all of his education. But Mukhamedzhan learned from life. In 1897 M. Seralin returned to Troitsk and got a job as a wool sorter at the factory.
Working at the factory, he reads all the Russian classical literature available in the city's library. He studies Kazakh oral folk art, perfectly masters Russian, Tatar and Persian languages, and begins to write poetry himself. The first poem by M. Seralin was called "Gulkashima" and was published in Orenbrug in 1903.
The poem is dedicated to the tragic love of a young man and a girl who have become victims of old customs. The historical-realistic poem "Topzhargan", written in 1903, was published in Troitsk in 1907. In it, M. Seralin skillfully depicts Kazakh life, reproduces episodes of the national liberation uprising led by Kenesary and Nauryzbay Kasymovs in the 30s - 40s of the XIX century.
The great merit of M. Seralin as a poet is associated with the establishment of the genre of the plot poem in Kazakh literature. M. Seralin, as a representative of the progressive intelligentsia of his time, as a democrat-educator, understood the laws of the development of society and the need for education and culture for the people.
The work of a teacher in a Kazakh school had a great influence on the formation of his educational and pedagogical views. The plight of the national school and the cultural and living conditions of the people forced him to think about concrete measures to rid his compatriots of these ailments.
This led to the creation in 1911 of the magazine "Haykap" - the first printed organ in the Kazakh language, which played an important role in the development of Kazakh written literature. M. Seralin managed to find correspondents, journalists, informers and rally them around the magazine, organize a political discussion, a clash of different opinions, which testifies to him as a skillful editor.
The “Haykap” magazine was a special phenomenon for the Kazakh society of that time, it was the voice of the people, the beginning of the creation of its own national press. M. Seralin saw the main reason for the political and economic backwardness of the Kazakh people in the nomadic way of life.
Chokan Ualikhanov and Ibrai Altynsarin also paid attention to this. But for the first time M. Seralin spoke about this on the pages of his magazine "Haykap". “Gone are the days when we could live with livestock and agriculture, leading a semi-nomadic lifestyle.
There is no return to the past. And you shouldn't regret it. Now, in order to survive, we need to live in towns and cities. And do what the sedentary population is doing. " (Aykap. - 1911. - No. 6). Working in the magazine "Haykap" M. Seralin published more than 40 publicistic articles and essays, continued the traditions of the Kazakh educators-democrats, first of all, Ibrai Altynsarin.
The writer fought against inertia and conservatism in everyday life and public life. One of his progressive pedagogical views was overcoming scholastic education, a passionate confrontation with the reactionary assertion that the Kazakhs cannot exist as a nation.
After the establishment of Soviet power, M. Seralin worked in the editorial office of the Ushkyn (Iskra) newspaper in the city of Orenburg (1919 - 1920), then in the Kustanai region in the district executive committee, later in provincial executive committee, from 1923 to 1926.
M. Seralin works as the editor of the newspaper "Auyl". He is the founder of the modern republican newspaper "Egemen Kazakstan". M. Seralin translated into the Kazakh language the poem "Rustem and Sukhrab" from the free arrangement of V. A. Zhukovsky, from the epic "Shahname" by Firdousi (1911), the story "Wormwood" by A. Sorokin.
In 1926 - 1928 M. Seralin was struck by paralysis, and he returned to his aul. He continues to serve the Kazakh people: he founds the village of Aksor, opens a school, club, bathhouse there, organizes a reservoir, plants trees and grows fruits.
Mukhamedzhan shows an example of the culture of the new aul. Traces of these creations are still preserved at the site of the former settlement. M. Seralin died in May 1929. In Kostanay there is a street named after him, and in Urnek there is a school.
There is an aul in Karabalyk called Old Urnek. This aul has a small lake Serali. The remains of Mukhamedzhan Seralin rest on its high bank. They say that before the death of Mukhamedzhan-ata, one chest with his manuscripts and books was wrapped in a felt mat and buried in the ground.
Excavations were repeatedly carried out there, but nothing was found. Perhaps this is just a legend. The Russian thinker V. Belinsky said: "I was born in a magazine, grew up in a magazine, and dreamed of dying in a magazine."
Mukhamedzhan Seralin could have said this about himself, for his whole life was spent in a magazine and a newspaper.