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Museum of Kokbay Zhanatayev.

Museums of Kazakhstan.
“The proof of the existence of one and almighty God is that for many millennia in different languages people have been talking about the existence of God, and no matter how many religions there are, everyone believes that love and justice are inherent in God.
We are not creators, but mortals who know the world by created things. We are ministers of love and justice. And we differ in how much better we are aware of the creation of the Almighty."
"Word Forty-Fifth". Abai (Ibragim) Kunanbaev. "Book of Words" (Words of Edification). Translated by Rolan Seisenbaev and Klara Serikbayeva.
Sights of Kazakhstan.
The Museum of the Kazakh poet Kokbay Zhanatayev is located near the Takyr winter road on the right (western) bank of the small Takyr river, 9 kilometers northeast of the village of Kokbai (the old name of Kyzyltas), 18.5 kilometers south-east of the regional center - the village A guard in the Abay district in the south-west of the East Kazakhstan region.
The museum of the famous Kazakh poet Kokbay Zhanatayev was opened in the mosque-madrasah in 1997 and is a branch of the State Reserve-Museum of Abay. In 2011, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the poet, a complete reconstruction was carried out and a new exposition was created, which acquaints visitors with the history of the mosque and madrasah, and most importantly with the life and work of the poet.
A separate place in the museum's exposition is given to the pedagogical activities of Kokbay Zhanatayev. The collection of the museum is rich in authentic documents reflecting the stages of the poet's life, his studies and social activities, creativity and personal life.
Among the archival documents there are: "A record of the successes and behavior of the students of the Semipalatinsk Uyezd School", it was there that the future poet studied; "Petition to the Governor", written by the poet in 1901, when he was the mullah of the Mukur volost, copies of the newspapers "Semipalatinsk regional Vedomosti" for 1891 and 1893, brought from the archives of the State Library of the town of Moscow, in these newspapers were printed orders to appoint Zhanatayev mullah for two three years (from 1891 to 1893 and from 1893 to 1896). The most important exhibit of the museum is the original manuscript of the poet himself.
Special attention in the exposition of the museum is given to the theme of Kokbai Zhanatayev and the figures of Alash. Here are copies of two historical photographs of Kokbay Zhanatayev with officials of the Alash government, the originals of these photographs are kept in the fund of the State Reserve Museum of Abai.
Several archival documents are presented that characterize the poet's social activities in the Semipalatinsk Uyezd Zemstvo in 1917. The exposition is complemented by Kokbai's poem dedicated to Alikhan Bukeikhanov and the aitys competition with Mirzhakyp Dulatov.
The pedagogical activity of Kokbay Zhanatayev deserved a special section in the museum's exposition, here you can find information about the students of the madrasah he opened, the furniture that stood in the room, and much more.
Presented are materials telling about the descendants of the famous poet. The religious and ethnographic section of the museum deserves a special mention; it shows in detail the place of worship of Muslims - the mihrab, and the section of the exposition is complemented by views of Mecca and the philosophical poems of K. Zhanataev.
In a separate room there is a "Madrasah Student's Corner", where rich ethnographic material is presented.
Geographic coordinates of the Museum of the poet Kokbay Zhanatayev: N48 ° 49'07.28 "E79 ° 25'07.96"
The photo