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Nameless mausoleum number 1 on Shakhi-i-Zinda

Visit to the necropolis of Shakhi-i-Zinda.
“Kadar Khan died, how can he not Samarkand sometimes grieve?
Melikshah is gone, so how can Khorasan not cry at least a day?
Melikshah was fire and water, water leaked, the fire was extinguished,
Now dust and ashes remained in his Isfahan.
Didn't Sanjar first attack Gur-khan, and in the end
The mortal hour attacked him, and the tomb became his bedchamber”
Alisher Navoi.
Tours in Uzbekistan and Central Asia.
To the north of the Shadi-Mulk-aka mausoleum, on the left side of the corridor, there is a previously unknown mausoleum (No. 1), which has a portal-dome composition. Facings of its portal and interior, consist of majolica with a predominance of floral and epigraphic ornament.
The name of the mausoleum builder is Usto Ali from Nesef, that is from Karshi, a native of Uzbekistan. By the nature of the decor, the building conventionally dates from the end of the 14th century. The main portal and the interior of the mausoleum are decorated with majolica.
The rest of the facades are lined with terracotta tiles. During 1960-1961, preparatory archaeological research was conducted here under the guidance of the archaeologist N. B. Nemtsova. Was opened under the crypt floor. The floor of the crypt is littered with debris.
No skeletons have been found yet. Opened the panel. A corridor was dug around the building.
G.A. Pugachenkova.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.