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Necropolis of Donyztau cliff.

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Chink Donyztau can be distinguished as an independent part of the northeastern part of the Ustyurt plateau, at the same time the chink fits into the boundaries of the Northern Chink of Ustyurt. Chink Donyztau stretches from the south, from the Shomshikol salt marsh to the northeast, bypassing the Manaysor salt marsh and the Sor Donyztau tract, which bends around the Chink from the west and northwest.
In the eastern part of the Donyztau sora tract, the chink takes a southeasterly direction and continues to the Kurusai ravine, then stretches to the Ashchibulak well, passing the Aksai ravine in a northeastern direction.
From the Ashchibulak well, the Donyztau chin abruptly changes its direction and turns to the north-west, bypassing the Ushashi ravine and north of Cape Chagray it comes into contact with the Shagarai plateau. Thus, in this direction, the Donyztau chink stretches for 183 kilometers and covers a small part of the Mangistau, Atyrau and Aktobe regions.
Within the Atyrau region, the chink is located for 31 kilometers. The largest part of the Donyztau cliff is located in the southern part of the Aktobe region. Chink Donyztau is a sharp scarp of the Ustyurt stratal plain, with which this plateau breaks off to a vast depression separating Ustyurt from the Shagyrai plateau.
The depression is occupied by the salt marshes of the lower reaches of the Shagan River, including directly along the chink; a large one stretches more than 72 kilometers in length and up to 7 kilometers in width, the Donyztau tract.
The maximum heights of the plateau are confined to the chink - Mount Isengach 210 meters above sea level in the central part of the chink, Mount Barak 203.3 meters above sea level and in the northernmost part of the chink in the vicinity of Cape Chagrai, an unnamed mountain rises 228.8 meters above the level seas.
On the tract-sor Donyztau at the foot of the chink, the minimum for the terrain heights of 13 - 15 meters above sea level are recorded, on the average, the bottom of the depression lies 50 - 90 meters above sea level.
Along the entire length, along the edge of the Donyztau chink, more than 25 named necropolises have been counted, the largest of which are Kainar, Tasastay, Taskudyk, Karamola, more than 70 single and more burial grounds, there are also wells, the water from which, unfortunately, left, which was the settlement of localities.
Along the edge of the chink there is a large number of hunting barriers - arans, through which people got their food. Traditions of stone-cut memorial monuments can be clearly traced in the region of the Northern Chink of Ustyurt (Dongyztau).
Here, along the banks and slopes of deep sais, there is a group of necropolises of the 19th - early 20th centuries. The Mangyshlak-Ustyurt type is attributed to two small beyits in the Kokey area. In general, the Dongyztau complexes have characteristic features found in monuments and other, larger, necropolises: Aksai, Ulken Zhybysky, Kishi Zhybysky, Arys-aulka.
The geographic coordinates of the central part of the Donyztau cliff (in the vicinity of Mount Isengach): N46 ° 24'33.53 "E57 ° 11'56.17"
Alexander Petrov.
The article "Architecture of the Aral-Caspian Sea: area, chronology, traditions".
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.