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Oi Jailau petroglyphs.

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The Oi-Jailau tract is located in the Kurdai district of the Dzhambul region, in the Kindyktas mountains, 40 km west of the Otrar station. It is a mountain plateau bounded by low hills, located at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level.
The plateau is crossed by deep ravines - ancient river beds that flowed into the plain from the south-west to the north-east. The tract stretches for 6 - 7 km from east to west and 4-5 km from south to north. Rocks with petroglyphs are located in the northwestern part of the tract, on the left bank of a small river.
Petroglyphs are knocked out on large rocky blocks that make up several tiers. In total there are about 100 drawings that represent different eras - from the Bronze Age to the ancient Turkic time. Petroglyphs of the Bronze Age are located in the western part of rocky outcrops.
They are the most numerous, about 50 images. In the upper part of the rock, two horsemen were found with coins in their hands, opposing each other. The figures of bulls and camels were knocked out nearby. Below, under the rock, on a fallen rock block, large images of a bull and a goat are found, above which two men are shown in the pose of adoration, most of the animals are painted on the rocks in the Tamgaly tradition.
On plates with an eastern exposure of the same rock, there is an image of a deer with a muzzle similar to a bird's beak. He is shown in a characteristic pose on straight legs with an elongated muzzle. The deer has a characteristic subscapular hump, the eye is depicted in the form of two concentric circles inscribed in each other.
The figures of two predators from the cat family and a point-shaped sign located on the crest of a rocky hill are dated by Saksky time. 50-70 m east of the petroglyphs of the Bronze Age there is a very bright composition of the Turkic time.
Here are two riders in pointed peaks, on horses with sultans and neck tassels. Riders are holding in their hands peaks with banners having two braids. At the top of the stage is a man holding a horse about it. Below is an archer shooting a deer with bent legs.
Authority and photos:
"Ural writings in the world of rock art." D.K. Dubrovsky, V.Yu. Grachev.