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Ozernyi Peak. Zailiyskiy Alatau.

Hiking tourism in Kazakhstan.
"The higher and more difficult the peak, the more friends you meet on its slopes, no matter where in the world it is."
Mikhail Turkevich.
Excursion tourism Almaty region.
Ozernyi Peak is located at an altitude of 4130.5 meters above sea level, located south of the Almatynyn Alagyry mountains, in the ridge of the Zailiyskiy Alatau ridge, on the territory of the Ile-Alatau park in the Bostandyk district of the city of Almaty.
The top of Ozernyi peak is located between the Almaty Alagir peaks, 4225 meters above sea level, 3 kilometers in the west and Legostaev's peak, 4387.2 meters above sea level, 4.7 kilometers in the southeast. In 2 kilometers to the southeast, in the crest of the ridge, there is the Ozernyi Pass, 2503.3 meters above sea level.
Two glaciers descend from the summit to the north: the eastern one with a length of 565 meters and the western one with a length of 811 meters. The southern slopes of the summit are covered with talus. Peak Ozernyi closes the eastern part of the Bolshealmatinsky spur.
The top of the peak is clearly visible from the eastern side of Lake Big Almaty.
Geographic coordinates of Ozerny Peak: N42 ° 59'01.67 "E77 ° 00'14.25"
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.
Photos by
Rinat Bektenyarov and Alexander Petrov, Almaty city.