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Pass Tourist. Zailiskiy Alatau.

Photo tours in Northern Tien-Shan mountains.
“My friend draws mountains
As distant as a dream
Green lakes,
Yes, the lines of the forests "
Ada Yakusheva. "My friend draws mountains."
Trekking through pass Tourist from Left Talgar gorge to Big Almaty gorge.
The Tourist Pass is located at an altitude of 4039 meters above sea level, located on the bridge, which is the watershed of the Bolshaya Almatinka and Levy Talgar rivers, on the northern slope of the Zailiyskiy Alatau ridge, on the territory of the Ile-Alatau natural park in Bostandyk district of Almaty.
The path passes through the pass from the Big Almaty Gorge to the upper reaches of the Kyzylsay rivers to the upper reaches of the Turist River and further to the Left Talgar Gorge. One of the routes begins from the pass along the northeastern ridge and further along the northwestern ridge to the peak of the Soviet climbers, 4378.8 meters above sea level.
Further, from the peak of Soviet climbers, you can continue along the northeastern ridge to the Young Guard peak, 4398.3 meters above sea level. From the Tourist Pass you can walk along the northern ridge to a panoramic platform dominating the upper reaches of the Maloalmatinsky gorge and from there climb the western ridge to the Pogrebetsky peak, 4231 meters above sea level.
The so-called route of mountain tourists "Krugosvetka" passes through the pass. In the mid-80s of the last century, in the Kyzylsay tract at an altitude of 3550 meters above sea level, a motor road was laid to the foot of the eastern moraine.
A helipad and a hut for observers of Kazglavselezashchita were built here. The observation was carried out over a moraine lake located at an altitude of 3593 meters above sea level in the western part of the glacier descending from the slope of Molodaya Gvardiya peak.
Geographic coordinates of the moraine lake: N43 ° 00'40.34 "E77 ° 03'52.59"
Geographic coordinates of the Tourists pass: N43 ° 01'43.72 "E77 ° 05'02.28"
Alexander Petrov.
Photos by
Sergei Mikhalkov and Alexander Petrov.