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Palace Nurulla-bai in Khiva

Tours on architectural monuments of Khiva.
"In this vicious circle - not cool to say -
It will not be possible to end and start to find.
Our role in this world is to come and go.
Who will tell us about the goal, about the meaning of the path? ”
Omar Khayyam.
Photo Gallery monuments 100 in Khiva of Uzbekistan.
In the shady garden, out of limits of Ichan-kala the palace of Nurulla-bai was built in the beginning of the twentieth century. It consists of the palace itself with a garden, Isfandiyar-khan's waiting room, a court and some additional constructions.
An unadorned wall with surrounds the palace topped by cogs. Tour yards, around which traditional two-storied houses with high and low aivans. The features of the Khorezm country estates are shared by the palace.
On the northern side is a garden with a havuz (pond) attached to it. The khan's waiting room is in the eastern part. It is a compact freestanding construction, of the modern European type, with painted walls and ceilings.
The court is built in the southeastern corner of the plan. One can see typical Khiva carved pillars in its open avians. Architectural and artistic methods and styles of different periods are presented in this complex; at the same time they comprise a single chain of Dishan-kala architecture.
In the beginning of the twentieth century on the initiative of one of the ministers of Isfandiyor-khan Islam Khoji madrases and a minaret were built in the southern part of Ichan-kala. Masters Balta, Vaisov, Madaminov and Khudaiberdiyev created a unique ensemble, giving them a leading role in creating the silhouette of Khiva.
Two-storied from the fagade and one-story from the yard, the buildings take on a symmetrical composition, broken only by cupolas and by the grand minaret.
«Khiva city and legends» the tourist guidebook across Khiva.