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Palevskoye lake.

Tours to Lake Palevskoye from Ridder
“Three things make a person happy: love, an interesting job, and the opportunity to travel”
Traveling in the mountains of Kazakhstan Altai.
Palevskoye Lake is located in the southeastern end of the Ivanovskiy Range on an ancient, leveled moraine at an altitude of 1970 meters above sea level in the Ridder district of East Kazakhstan region. The Right Gromotukha River flows from the lake, the length of which from Palevskoye Lake to the confluence of the Gromotukha River at 1378 meters above sea level is 17 kilometers.
From the group of Turgusun lakes, Lake Palevskoye is separated by a meridional mountain range in which the Black Uzel valley is located. The lake is located in the western part of the Black Uzel valley, there are many interesting hiking routes that allow you to fully enjoy the beauty of the Altai Mountains.
The length of Palevskoye Lake is 955 meters, the largest width in the southern part of the lake is 439 meters, the length of the coastline is 2500 meters. 10 kilometers west of the lake is the highest peak of the Ivanovskiy Range - Vysheivanovsky Belok, 2778 meters high above sea level.
Authority and photos:
Alexander Petrov.