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People's library-reading room in Karakol.

Sightseeing tours around Karakol.

"There is a pretty good library in the city, where I went to get some newspapers. The manager, a lively citizen of about 30, expressed regret that he could not offer fresh newspapers to the "esteemed comrade", due to the fact that the mail goes to Pishpek only twice a week and very inaccurately. I praised the library and learned that three thousand volumes had been stolen by "irresponsible citizens" for "cigarettes. They brought in old portraits on the wall; I stopped in front of one of them, depicting some young officer from the twenties of the last century."

Alexander Mikhailovich Briskin. "In the Land of Seven Rivers: Essays on Modern Semirechye". 1926.

Karakol libraries.

In the city of Przhevalsk, the intelligentsia of the Muslim community organized a library-reading room, which, in their opinion, was visited only by the Muslims of the city, despite the ban, the reading room worked and brought knowledge to the residents of the city.
In order to protect themselves from encroachment by the local authorities, and the desire to get into their favor, a general meeting of members of the Przhevalsk Muslim library-reading room consisting of 38 people under the chairmanship of its trustee A. Ibragimov.
At the beginning of the XXth century, a significant cultural event took place in Karakol: on May 14, 1902, in a two-story wooden building located at the intersection of Barsovskaya (now Oktyabrskaya) and Preobrazhenskaya (now Gebze) streets, the first public library-reading room in Kyrgyzstan began working.
Its history is inextricably linked with the development of the city. After the death of the outstanding traveler and scientist N. M. Przhevalsky, his associates and students P. K. Kozlov and V. I. Roborovsky decided to perpetuate his memory by creating a museum and their own library.
Soon, local historian Ya. I. Korolkov received a money transfer in the amount of 200 rubles. In the accompanying letter, Kozlov and Roborovsky asked to organize a fundraiser to open a public library.
In accordance with the established goal, the library-reading room was divided into two departments:
1. free library-reading room;
2. paid public library with a separate reading room.
Both departments were under the jurisdiction of a single Board and had a common budget, therefore, although they could be located in the same building, they were preferably located on different floors or, at least, in separate rooms. The institution was named "Przhevalskaya Public Library-Reading Room".
The library was financed by annual receipts, as well as special and reserve capital.
Working capital was formed by: 
Annual subsidies from the city budget in the amount of at least 300 rubles.
Donations from individuals and organizations.
Income received from the sale of tea in the tea room at the reading room.First public library-reading room in Zhety-Suu region opened on May 14, 1902 in a two-story wooden building on corner of Barsovskaya (now Oktyabrskaya) and Preobrazhenskaya (now Gebze) streets.
Funds received from concerts, performances, literary and musical evenings, family gatherings, as well as public readings held with the appropriate permission and in accordance with the established rules.
Significant support was provided by the city mayor, doctor N. M. Barsov.
In 1896, at a general meeting of Karakol residents, it was decided to allocate 300 rubles annually to the library-reading room. The collected funds were deposited in the savings bank at the local treasury. From that moment on, the public, led by Barsov, actively sought the opening of the library. Libraries of Karakol.
The first public library in the Semirechye region appeared in Przhevalsk in 1902 thanks to the initiative of N. M. Przhevalsky's associates - V. I. Roborovsky and P. K. Kozlov. Their initiative was supported by Ya. I. Korolkov, N. M. Barsov, A. A. Mikhailov, who made monetary donations and presented the library with rare books.
Many townspeople also made their contribution. In 1908, a Muslim library-reading room opened in Przhevalsk, financed by the Muslim educational and charitable society. It received newspapers and magazines in both Turkic and Russian languages.
On August 4, 1901, the Vice-Governor of the Semirechye Region Ostashkin approved the “Charter of the Przhevalsk Public Library-Reading Room”, which outlined its main goal - to provide city residents with limited means with the opportunity to read books, newspapers, magazines and specialized publications free of charge.
The library-reading room opened its doors on May 14, 1902. The chairman of the board, A. A. Mikhailov, gave a ceremonial speech at the opening. On May 27 of the same year, the library received its first visitors. The institution was managed by a council consisting of six people.
At that time, the library was located in a two-story building, and its collection numbered 560 books. The upper hall, intended for paying readers, was open daily, except Saturday, from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Anyone could come to the lower floor of the library once a week - on Sundays and holidays.
They were allocated 450 books for free reading. The public library was visited by up to 100 people, while the paid department, intended for wealthy citizens, received only 38 readers in the first year. The library was called public not only because it was accessible to everyone, but also due to the active participation of residents in its replenishment.
They considered it their duty to help expand the library's book collection. An example was set by N. M. Barsov, who donated about 40 valuable publications, mostly scientific in nature, to the library. In addition, townspeople brought personal books and magazines.N.M. Barsov with his wife Nadezhda Rostislavovna Barsova and children.
The publications donated to the library have survived to this day: B. Kaplun - "Our Ballet" (1899), Ya. I. Korolkov - "Ornament of All Times and Peoples" (1898), K. Keller - "Life of the Sea" (1896). The People's Library stored the works of Lermontov, Belinsky, Chernyshevsky, thanks to which the Kyrgyz population became acquainted with Russian classical literature.
The library also received periodicals such as "Bulletin of Europe", "Historical Bulletin", "Bulletin of Education", "Russian Wealth", "New Time", "Siberian Bulletin", "Turkestan News" and others. In the evenings, the library-reading room hosted loud readings, which helped spread the advanced ideas of Russian writers, poets, scientists and travelers among the townspeople.
After the October Revolution, the library became truly popular, turning into a center of culture and education. It played a significant role in the elimination of illiteracy. The first librarians are remembered with special gratitude - M. I. Varavina, G. Chikeyev, N. P. Osminina, S. A. Melekhov.
The library was headed by representatives of the progressive urban intelligentsia. The first librarian was the chairman of the board A. A. Mikhailov. At different times, the head was the veterinarian Kasatkin. Today, the library not only preserves rare and valuable books, but also provides free access to their contents, helping people gain knowledge accumulated by generations.
Within the framework of the project "Book Monuments of Kyrgyzstan", which started in 2008 and is aimed at popularizing the book heritage and attracting the attention of the scientific community to unique collections, the digitization of rare books began with their subsequent posting on the Internet.
These publications are unique in their own way, each of them is a valuable testimony of its era. By preserving the knowledge accumulated over centuries and providing wide access to it, creating both printed and electronic versions, we make a significant contribution to the development of culture and strengthening the intellectual potential of the country in the international arena.
Geographic coordinates of library-reading room (now the Issyk-Kol TV and Radio Company): N42 ° 29'23 E78 ° 24'10

Authority and photographs by:
Head of the book museum at the regional library named after T. Sydykbekov T.D. Manannikova.