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Home » Issyk-Kul region nature. Terskey Ala-Too landscapes in mountains of Kyrgyzstan.

Radon springs in Jety-Oguz gorge.

Trip from Lake Issyk Kul to gorge Dzhety-Oguz.

“Water! You have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, you are enjoyed without understanding what you are. You are not simply necessary for life, you are life. With you, bliss spreads throughout the entire being, which cannot be explained by our five senses alone. You return to us the strength and properties that we had already given up on. Your mercy reopens the dried-up springs of the heart. You are the greatest wealth in the world, but also the most fragile, so pure in the depths of the earth. One can die near a spring if it contains an admixture of magnesium. One can die two steps from a salt lake. One can die, even if there are two liters of dew, if some salts got into it. You do not tolerate impurities, you do not tolerate anything foreign, you are a deity that is so easy to scare away... But you give us infinitely simple happiness"

Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

Visibility across traveler bookings in Kyrgyzstan.

Deposit of radon springs in Jety-Oguz gorge is located at an altitude of 2035 meters above sea level, located 30 meters from left bank of river of same name, in close proximity to Jety-Oguz resort on northern slope of Terskey Ala-Too mountain range in Jety-Oguz district of Issyk-Kul region. 
In the west, near the Jety-Oguz River, a road branches off to the left from the main highway, which goes up the valley, bypassing the large village of Jety-Oguz to the resort of the same name located on the left bank of the river. Here, in the southern part of the resort, on the bank of a mountain, turbulent river, there is a deposit of hot, highly mineralized, healing springs, surrounded by emerald meadows, thickets of slender Tien-Shan firs and wild rocky outcrops.
The healing waters are characterized by high temperature and low radioactivity.
These are radon chloride-sodium-calcium, chloride-sulphate-sodium-calcium thermal waters. The hot radon springs of Jety-Oguz are characterized by a high level of mineralization and are the most famous and popular springs in the country.
Depending on the composition, radioactivity, mineralization and temperature, hot springs are divided into:
a) highly mineralized,
b) mineralized and
c) slightly mineralized waters.

Hot springs also contain small amounts of bromine, iodine, boron, copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum, silver, strontium, germanium, as well as a number of organic substances such as bitumen, humin, phenols and volatile fatty acids. The temperature of the springs is from +37°C to +42°C.
Jety-Oguz resort uses radon (up to 127 nCi/l) thermal waters of two types:
- sodium-calcium chloride and
- sodium-calcium chloride-sulphate.

For baths at the Jety-Oguz resort, mineral waters of the 1st type are mainly used:
- from well No. 1 "K" (daily flow rate of 208.2 cubic meters, temperature 41° C, mineralization 12.1 g / l
- and from well No. 6 (daily flow rate of 229.8 m3, temperature 38.4° C, mineralization 10.1 g / l).

For drinking treatment, waters of the 2nd type are used (temperature 22.9° C, mineralization 3.6 g / l).
Geographic coordinates of radon, thermal deposit in Jety-Oguz gorge: N42 ° 19'50 E78 ° 14'15

B. I. Rukavishnikov. "Lake Issyk Kul and Ridge Terskey Alatau". Moscow, "Physical culture and sport", 1970.

Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.