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Ravine of Kuruksay.

Trip on the Northern plateau of Ustyurt.
“Everything in excess is opposed to nature”
Travel on the Northern Ustyurt plateau.
The ravine of Kuruksay is in the southern part of Northern cliff of Ustyurt in the Aktyubinsk region. The sharp beginning it departs on 6 kilometers from a cliff on the Ustyurt Plateau. The name to a ravine was given by a well of Kuruksay which is in the beginning of a ravine.
Ravine width in that place where connects to the Northern cliff of Ustyurt reaches 4 kilometers. In the southern part of a ravine the mountain Sarusha which towers on 193 meters above sea level dominates. On all perimeter of a ravine, in east and western part, numerous ancient necropolises which were dated for the wells which are on the edge a cliff are located.
Extent of the western line of a part of a ravine makes 8 kilometers from the South on the North. East and the line of break of Kuruksay is more broken, than western, it was stretched on 8, 5 kilometers from the South on the North.
Authority and photos
Alexander Petrov.