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Rest house " Teplye Klyuchi". Alamedin gorge.

Tours and walks Kyrgyzstan.
"The ability to intelligently fill free time is the highest level of personal culture."
Bertrand Russell.
Natural sights of Chui region.
The “Teplye Klyuchi” health resort is located at an altitude of 1,761 meters above sea level, on the right bank of the Alamedin River, on the northern slope of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too in the Alamudun district of the Chui oblast.
On the territory of Kyrgyzstan, in the mountains of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too, there is the only radon source in the Alamedin gorge. On the territory of the sanatorium there is the Alamudun mineral water deposit. A 507-meter well brought to the surface of the earth thermal mineral water with a temperature of +53 C.
There are also surface radon springs on the territory of the sanatorium. The waters of thermal springs are curative and are recommended for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, rheumatism, polyarthritis, sciatica, etc.
Radon baths have a beneficial effect on the immune system. The sanatorium has cottages for guests, a cafe, a radon swimming pool (25 meters), a mud bath, a gym, treatment rooms, a parking lot, and sports grounds.
On the territory of the sanatorium there are 9 three-block cottages, in each block there are 2 rooms with one shower and a bathroom. The “Tepley Klyuchi” sanatorium is located 11 kilometers from the village of Koy-Tash.
3.2 kilometers to the north after Koy-Tash on the left bank of the river there is a popular guest complex and cafe “Tavern 12 Fireplaces”. The hotel and rest house "Zhanat" is located 7.5 kilometers from Teplyye Klyuchi in the direction of Bishkek, another rest house is 8.8 kilometers away.
Geographic coordinates of the "Teplye Klyuchi" sanatorium: N42 ° 36'21.02 "E74 ° 39'43.39"
Alexander Petrov.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.