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River Yrgayty. Dzungarskiy Alatau.

Scientific expedition in Kazakhstan.
“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving”
Terry Pratchett. “A Hat Full of Sky”.
Tourism anchors in Kazakhstan.
The river Yrgayty is formed by confluence Koksuat and Tastau, originating on a northern slope, on east is frequent the ridge of the Dzungarskiy (Zhetysuysky) Alatau at the heights up to 3700 meters above sea level.
Total length of the river from Tastau source to a confluence with the lake Alakol makes about 100 kilometers, from a source Koksuat - 72 kilometers. River length from merge of inflows to a confluence with the lake Alakol of 32 km.
Source of the river Koksuat begin the internal ridge of east part of the Dzungarskiy Ala-Tau on northern slopes of the mountains Tastau. The river flows in the deep narrow gorge, in the northeast direction. Inflows of the river snow, rain and underground.
The river Tastau originates on a northern slope of east part of the main ridge of the Dzungarskiy Ala-Tau. As well as the river Koksaut flows in the northeast direction along the southern slopes of the ridge Tastau in the beginning, then turns on the North and so flows before merge to the river Kosuat.
The river flows on the deep gorge, at the same time the left river bank considerably exceeds the right coast since the ridge Tastau is higher in this place over a northern slope of the main ridge on height. On average depth of the gorge reaches 600 m.
The river food mixed, glacial, snow, considerable degree rain and underground. After merge the river is called Yrgayta (in the valley of the river the mespilus - edible berry grows much) and about 9 km in a deep, picturesque canyon proceed, then come to the plain where through 23 km flows into Kishi Alakol gulf.
The delta of the river is strongly boggy.
Alexander Petrov.