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Rock-climbing tour to glacier Molodezhnyi.

Routes of walks in mountains of Kazakhstan.
“Not all those who wander are lost”
J.R.R. Tolkien.
Brief description of mountain route of hiking to Gorge Tuyk-Suu:
Almaty - gorge Small Almaty - valley Medeo - mud dam «Medeo - valley Gorelnik - mounting skiing resort Shymbulak - valley «Gate Tuyk-Su» - valley Mynzhilki – passing of the river Small Almaty - moraine of glacier Molodezhnyi - lake Molodezhnyi - Almaty.
Distance of route: 55 km.
Hiking season: from June, 1st till October, 30th.
Best time for hiking: June, July, August, September.
Duration of excursion: 1 day.
Detailed program of hiking in mountains Zailiiskiy of Ala-Tau:
Rock Climbing Routes in Almaty.
Transfer: Almaty - valley Medeo (15 km). Our way from city in valley Medeo conducts on the south on the central street of city - Dostyk, after boundary school is passed Spa centre «Luxor» which is to the right of road, then passed numerous cottages on both parties of road, further to the right of road, on turn on Kamensk plateau is luxurious hotel “Roal Tulip”. Further we pass construction an ecological post at which now will be new earmarking.
Right at the beginning of valley Medeo to the left of road there is first station cable way, travelling on which it is possible to get on ski resort Shymbulak. Above station Cable way there is high-mountainous skating rink «Medeo», 1691 meter located at height above sea level. Serpentinous mountain road it is laid above skating rink from the western part from here the fine panorama on an ice field of a skating rink opens.
The road gains height along east slope of mountain Mohnatki and rise on northern party mud dam on dam begins. We pass dam and further our way by valley Gorelnik to rise Sarysai and further to mounting skiing resort Shymbulak. After resort Shymbulak we pass valley the Edelweiss, valley Gate Tuyk-Su of 2650 meters above sea level, camp of climbers on the left party of the river Small Almaty, hotel «Gate Tuyk-Su», memorial of climbers.
Near to memorial of climbers we leave our machine and from here we will begin hiking in mountains Zailijskiy Ala-Tau.
The hiking: valley Gate Tuyk-Su - valley Mynzhilki (3 km). Our further hiking walk will pass on mountain road on which sometimes pass extreme jeeps with extreme desires to reach to the glaciers. Here the Alpine zone is located and we meet the Alpine meadows with a juicy both green grass and glades of colors.
We can see high-altitude zone in mountains. Already soon we reach zone of wood and we say goodbye with Tien-Shan fur-trees up to return meeting, the zone of wood settles down at height 2800 - 2900 meters above sea level, at this height of fur-tree do not grow any more. Here the undersized juniper which has the local name - archa grows. At the left at road high, vertical, monolithc rocks are located, these are Bastions. In this place long rise begins, but is gradually road is leveled also we come nearer to natural boundary Mynzhilki which is located at height from 3000 up to 3300 meters above sea level.
The gorge partitions off mud dam, from the left party of the river small houses of hydropost «Mynzhilki» settle down, to the left of road there are old, one-storeyed structures. Here at road in July, 2014 it is constructed beautiful modern pavilion where it is possible to take rest.
The hiking: valley Mynzhilki - moraine of glacier Molodezhnyi Т-1 (3 km). Further our way from natural boundary Mynzhilki lays on highway. Soon we wade the river Small Almaty which at its transition is broken on two parts, in the river it is not lot of water and the river can be passed easily on stones. After transition of the river the first streamer of road which is directed on the West begins, it is the second rise on our way from natural boundary Gate Tuyk-Su.
From place of transition of the first streamer in the second streamer the majestic panorama on gorge Small Almaty opens, also the natural boundary Mynzhilk from here is well looked through. In east part of gorge, from the north on the south the most significant peaks Small Almaty of spur - peak Abay, peak Amangeldy, peak of Komsomol, peak the Pioneer, peak the Teacher, peak Manshuk Mametova, peak of Domestic War, peak Ordzhonikidze were built, close this pedestal of peaks in the south - peaks of Needle Tuyk-Su.
Far with bottom noise of the river Small Almaty reaches. The second streamer of road results us on research hospital of institute of geography of Kazakhstan, here there are some small houses, in one of which scientific expedition of institute of geography which some tens years are engaged in studying of glaciers Northern Tien-Shan settles down.
We pass more to the left of small houses, we pass to moraine and soon lakes under glacier of Molodezhnyi 3400 meters above sea level. From here the glacier Central Tuyk-Su, at small lake which is located on floods of the river following from under glacier is well looked through.
The valley T-1 is located on an ancient moraine of glacier Molodezhnyi. Walk in vicinities, photographing of area. Lunch, rest. Returning to valley Gate Tuyk-Su on way of rise. Returning in Almaty.
About Small Almaty Gorge.
The Small Almaty Gorge provides stunning panoramic views: Mt. Mokhnatka with its thick cap of fir-trees, the iamond-shaped Кumbel behind it, Mt. Abai in the distance slicing into the bright blue morning sky, and the towering cliffs of the Tuyuk-Su Gates.
This region is known for its 46 mountain trails, ranging from simple to extremely challenging. Between the Malaya and Bolshaya Almatinka Gorges is а huge Alpine meadow named Kok-Jailyau (Green Pasture). This is one of the most popular hikes. The climb to the Kok-Jailyau plateau begins at the Prosveshchenets holiday home just above the confluence of the Malaya Almatinka and Ваtareika rivers (1 km below the Medeu ice rink).
The hike takes 2 - 3 hours, through fir and birch woods аll the way. The path is just as interesting in winter, when people have great fun sledging and skiing down the gentle 8-km slope. From the plateau you can climb the neighboring Mt. Кumbel 3200 meters above sea level.
The path to the Кumbel ridge takes you past the enormous cliffs known as the "Three Brothers" 3000 meters above sea level. The vast Tuyuk-Su Gates open the way го the granite peak of Tuyuk-Su 4200 meters above sea level to the right of the Shymbulak ski resort.
This is perhaps the most accessible glacier in the region It's in the centre of а glacier group which forms а horseshoe shape 35 km long and 15 km wide. The glacier shrinks by 10 m реr year on average and the resulting water forms а lake in summer.
When the snow is melting particularly fast, the lake overflows and this саn couse torrents of meltwater. It was to protect Almaty from meltwater floods that hydro technical facilities were constructed in the Malaya Almatinka and adjoining valleys.
The Left Talgar Gorge is in- credible with its swift-flowing river, sheer cliffs and Alpine meadows. Trekkers are always overwhelmed by the magnificent scenery with dazzlingly white glaciers. The rapid Gorelnik and Butakovka rivers create several graceful little waterfalls.
There аге wonderful bridleways and footpaths through Medeu to the Кim-Asar Pass 2060 meters above sea level. The trail runs along а small mountain stream, also named Кim-Asar. One of the most beautiful spots оп the way is the Butakovka Gorge, а veritable paradies dotted with aspen and birch trees, sunny glades and intoxicatingly-scented wild flowers.
Near the Butakovka Pass it self, by the edge of the forest, is а perfect picnic spot surrounded by shady fir trees. Not far away, in а thicket of wild raspberry bushes to the left of the gorge, you can admire the lovely Butakovka Falls.
Even more arresting is the Lesnoi Pass 2650 meters above sea level,which gives you an unforgettabIe view of the river valleys. In the Kotyrbulak Gorge you will find the Alтatau ski resort 1870 meters above sea level, with the Tau-Samal health spa below it.
The author program is Alexander Petrov. Copying and introduction - from the sanction of the author
Alexander Petrov
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