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Summit ascent to peak Shymbulak.

Holiday Tours in Almaty.
«An Ariel wished to fly-
Neither love, nor cares.
Or in mountains, as Alitet,
To leave every year»
Yuriy Kukin. «Train». 12 - on July, 17th, 1965.
The brief description of route of an ascentions to peak Shymbulak:
Almaty - gorge Small Almaty - valley Medeo - cable way «Medeo» - ski resort «Shymbulak» 2260 meters above sea level - pass Big Talgar 3168 meters above sea level - peak Shymbulak of 3355 meters above sea level - Almaty.
Distance of route: 56, 4 km.
Season: from June, 1st till October, 30th.
Best time for ascention: June - Oktober.
Advanced order: for 24 hours.
Duration of the hiking: 1 day.
The detailed program of an ascentions Zailiiskiy Alatau:
Travel Walking in Almaty.
Variant «Rise on cable way from Медео up to pass Big Talgar».
Transfer: Almaty - valley Medeo (15 km). Our way from city in valley Medeo conducts on the south on the central street of city - Dostyk, after boundary school is passed Spa centre «Luxor» which is to the right of road, then passed numerous cottages on both parties of road, further to the right of road, on turn on Kamenskoe plateau is luxurious hotel “Roal Tulip”.
Further we pass construction an ecological post at which now will be new earmarking. Right at the beginning of valley Medeo to the left of road there is first station cable way, travelling on which it is possible to get on ski resort Shymbulak. From here our travel to mountains Zailiiskiy Ala-Tau begins.
Rise on cable way from natural boundary Medeo to high-mountainous ski resort Shymbulak»(4, 5 km, 15 minutes). It is the third in the world cable way on extent. At rise on cable way on «Shymbulak», the magnificent kind on mountains Northern Tien-Shan with tops opens: Tchkalov of 3800 meters above sea level, Abaya 4010 meters above sea level, the Schoolboy, Komsomol of 4376 meters above sea level.
Below floats an ice skating rink «Medeo», mud dam in Small Almaty gorge, from the right party from us valley Gorelnik, small river Small Almaty (Almatinka), the road leading from Almaty on resort «Shymbulak». Arrival on ski resort «Shymbulak». Walk on viewing platform with kind on city and mountains.
Continuation of rise on the second cable way «Kombi-1» on terminal station "Kombi-2" (1,7 km, 10 minutes). Arrival on terminal station "Kombi-1". Photographing of panorama of city and vicinities of mounting skiing resort from panoramic platform at station.
Continuation of rise on the second cable way «Kombi-2» up to pass Big Talgar 3168 meters above sea level (1,5 km, 8 minutes). Short walk in vicinities of pass Big Talgar. The beginning of rise on the western slope on peak Shymbulak. The track sharply gains height, gradually, approximately, through 200 meters the steep slope comes to an end and downturn begins.
We by pass rocky clips, buttresses. On the north and northwest the extensive panorama of city, from here city, as on palm opens. On the south and southeast Zailiiskiy Ala-Tau with snow and glacial tops open majestic panorama. The gorge and the river Left Talgar, the highest peak Northern TienShan, peak Talgar of 4978 meters above sea level is well looked through.
Gradually we come nearer to top Shymbulak of 3355 meters above sea level (2,5 km). The top is strongly destroyed and consists of a heap of rocks and separate stone bocks. Lunch at top. Descent from top on way of rise. Descent on cable way to valley Medeo. Returning in Almaty.
Duration of the hiking: 1 day.
The detailed program of an ascentions mountains Small-Almaty:
Variant «Hiking rise from ski resort Shymbulak, in case of if do not work cable way «Kombi-1" and "Kombi-2».
Transfer: Almaty - valley Medeo (15 km). Our way from city in natural boundary Medeo conducts on the south on the central street of city - Dostyk, after boundary school is passed Spa centre «Luxor» which is to the right of road, then passed numerous cottages on both parties of road, further to the right of road, on turn on Kamenskoe the plateau is luxurious hotel “Roal Tulip”.
Further we pass construction an ecological post at which now will be new earmarking. Right at the beginning of valley Medeo to the left of road there is first station cable way, travelling on which it is possible to get on ski resort Shymbulak. After station cable way stop at skating rink Medeo, short walk to the central input of skating rink.
Transfer: valley Medeo - mud dam «Medeo» (3 km). Stop on mud dam, the beginning of construction of dam has been begun in 1966 for protection of city from dangerous mudflows formed highly in mountains. Survey of vicinities of valley Medeo from height of dam, from here opens good kind on skating rink Medeo which bowl is located in the middle of gorge.
Slopes of gorge on which are well visible lay tumbled down Tayn-Shan to fur-tree after heavy hurricane on May, 17th, 2011.
Transfer: mud dam «Medeo» - valley Gorelnik - rise Sarysai - ski resort «Shymbulak» 2260 meters above sea level (4 km). Arrival on ski resort «Shymbulak». Walk on viewing platform with kind on city and neighboring mountains. From here our travel to mountains Zailiyskiy Ala-Tau also will begin.
Hiking rise on pass Big Talgar on ski descent (3 km). Here we and on pass Big Talgar 3163 meters above sea level. From here our travel to mountains Zailijskiy Ala-Tau begins.
Rise on cable way from valley Medeo to high-mountainous ski resort «Shymbulak» (4, 5 km, 15 minutes). It is the third in the world cable way on extent. At rise on cable way on «Shymbulak», the magnificent kind on mountains Northern Tien-Shan with tops opens: Tchkalov of 3800 meters above sea level, Abaya 4010 meters above sea level, the Schoolboy, Komsomol of 4376 meters above sea level.
Below floats an ice skating rink «Medeo», mud dam in Small Almaty gorge, from the right party from us valley Gorelnik, small river Small Almaty (Almatinka), the road leading from Almaty on resort «Shymbulak». Arrival on ski resort «Shymbulak». Walk on viewing platform with kind on city and mountains.
Continuation of rise on the second cable way «Kombi-1» on terminal station "Kombi-2 " (1,7 km, 10 minutes). Arrival on terminal station "Kombi-1 ". Photographing of panorama of city and vicinities of mounting skiing resort from panoramic platform at station.
Continuation of rise on the second cable way «Kombi-2» up to pass Big Talgar 3168 meters above sea level (1,5 km, 8 minutes). Short walk in vicinities of pass Big Talgar. The beginning of rise on the western slope on peak Shymbulak. The track sharply gains height, gradually, approximately, through 200 meters the steep slope comes to an end and downturn begins. We bypass rocky clips, buttresses.
On the north and northwest the extensive panorama of city, from here city, as on palm opens. On the south and southeast Zailiiskiy Ala-Tau with snow and glacial tops open majestic panorama.
The gorge and the river Left Talgar, the highest peak Northern TienShan, peak Talgar of 4978 meters above sea level is well looked through. Gradually we come nearer to top Shymbulak of 3355 meters above sea level (2,5 km). The top is strongly destroyed and consists of a heap of rocks and separate stone bocks. Lunch at top.
Descent from top on way of rise. Descent on cable way to valley Medeo. Returning in Almaty.
The author program is Alexander Petrov. Copying and introduction - from the sanction of the author
Alexander Petrov