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Said Mukhammad Mikhiri mausoleum.

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The memorial complex consists of three groups of monumental structures, including tombs of some Khivan khans. Саид Mukhammad-khan, Mukhammad Rakhim-khan II (Feruz) and its grandson Temur Gazi of Tour, the son of Isfandiyar-khan have been buried here.
In special crypts around of the mausoleum tombs of descendants of Khivan khans, their wives and children are located. According to a legend, once here there lived the sufi-sheikh named Chadirli Ishan.
After its death he has been buried on this place, and a cemetery which was then formed near its tombs, began to be called Chadirli Ishan. Almost all elements of the mausoleum (a dome, walls, step trompy) are executed from a clay brick without an external decor, and gravestones are reveted by a majolica in traditional Khorezm style of XIV century.
In 1825 a building have cardinally restored under orders Allakuli-khan, therefore the present shape of the mausoleum concerns to the period of new revival of architecture of Khoresm (first half XIX century).
In second half XIX centuries Саид Mukhammad-khan has ordered to erect the mausoleum above a tomb of the sheikh. And as a result the complex has turned to a family crypt of Khivan khans.
«Khiva city and legends» the tourist guidebook across Khiva.