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Sain of the tomb Umbetei zhyrau.

Kazakhstan and the New Silk Road.
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Knowledge is more expensive than a treasure of pearls:
Any time will destroy the treasure
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As-Samarkandi Muhammad ibn Ali.
The History Kazakhstan - Silk Road Adventures.
Locarion: 15 km from the Korzhynkol station, Yereimentau district of Akmola region. Background: The Umbetei narrator was born in 1706 in the present neighborhood of Karatau, South Kazakhstan region. It was a time of enmity and war.
He was a faithful companion and narrator in the campaigns of his brother, the famous Kazakh batyr Kanzhygaly Bogenbai. Quite a large number of works of Umbetei narrator are dedicated to the most burning issues have reached our times.
His mentor was his father Tileu. The Umbetei narrator was a skilled chronicler, akyn, he played kobyz, and mastered folk craft, besides he was also a foreteller. Umbetei Tileuly is a master of didactic poetry. In his songs of praise you can find a lot of information about the fight against the enemies of the glorified batyrs.
One of the legends narrating on the representatives and political events of that time, is the legend “On the death of Bogenbai”. His descendants and akyns such as Amanzhol Alzhanuly performed Umbetei songs and legends.
He also brought to the paper the poetic heritage of Umbetei and transferred it to the Mukhtar Auezov Institute of Literature and Art. His collection «Бес ғасыр жырлайды» includes the works of the narrator. Umbetei had four sons: Atebek, Batyrbek, Beldenzhan and Bokan.
From Beldenzhan - Buira, from Buira - Zhuzbai, from Zhuzbai - Karismagul, from Karismagul - Atai, from Atai - Zhenis, Mels, Kuat. The descendants of Umbetei live in the village of Shakei, Yereimentau district. Umbetei –is a prominent poet, a skilled chronicler and akyn.
During his life he had been in the thick of the struggle of the Kazakh people against the Dzungarian invasion and glorified historical events. He boldly exposed the injustice towards the people, was honest and decisive, spoke the truth in the faces of the khans and sultans.
Umbetei zhyrau praised the defenders of the motherland in his legends «Бөгенбай өліміне», «Бөгенбай өлімін Аблайханға естірту», etc. The high artistic level of works by Umbetei is well traced in the dedication to the deceased Kanzygaly Bogenbai:
Қалмақты қуып қашырдың,
Қара Ертістен өткізіп,
Алтай тауға асырдың.
Ақшәуілге қос тігіп,
Ауыр қол тігіп,
Ауыр қол жидырып алдырдың,
Қалмаққа ойран салдырдың.
The legends spoke not only about the achievements of Bogenbai batyr, but there were also lines about Karakerei Kabanbai, Kaz dauysty Kazybek, Жәнібека, Baian batyrs and other heroes of the Abylai times.
Authority and photos:
1. Folk legends, researches of local historican Adreshova M.B.
2. There is information about the Umbetei narrator is in the books of Sailaua Baibosyn «Ерейментау» (“Ereimentau”) / 2009 /, Bokesh Meiram «Дала мен қала» /2017 /, «Бес ғасыр жырлайды», 1 volume.
3. Kazakhstan, National Encyclopedia, Volume 5, the book "Historical Figures".