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Sakkulak bi mausoleum.

Great Silk Road in Kazakhstan.
"From the dust of black to the heavenly bodies
I unraveled the secrets of the wisest words and deeds.
I avoided deceit, untangled all the nodes,
I could not untangle the knot of death"
Ibn Sina.
Central Asia on Silk Road Tour.
Mausoleum of Sakkulak bi is located at an altitude of 269 meters above sea level, located 150 meters from northeastern part of Lake Korzhynkol, 8.2 kilometers northwest of Korzhynkol railway station, 18.2 kilometers east and slightly north of town Ereymentau, in Ereymentau district of Akmola region.
Background Mausoleum of Sakkulak.
Sakkulak bi was born in 1800 in Akmola district. He is known for his declamatory skills. A great-grandson of Bogenbai batyr he was a bi of the Middle Zhuz. Due to the declamatory skills, he got a nickname. «Орта жүздің бозарғымағы». From the age of 12 he accompanied his father Bapan bi, took part in the management of the people, and perfected declamatory skills.
Noticing the extraordinary abilities of his son, his father entrusted him with resolving minor disputes from the age of 15. At the age of 16 he got nickname “Sakkulak” after a contest with a great speaker Baidaly bi. There are known numerous public speeches of Sakkulak bi:
«Саққұлақтың Шоқанға берген батасы», «Ақыл туралы», «Төрт нәрседен қашық қыл», «Мұсаның өліміне айтқаны», «Орман-тоғай жер сыны» and others. His public speeches contain deep philosophical thoughts on science, knowledge, and heroism. Unlike other speakers, Sakkulak Bi recorded his speeches, as well as the thoughts and sayings of other beys.
Sakulak bi died in 1888. He had seven sons left. Among them, Nuraly and Eraly were also beys and orators. The Sakkulak Bi mausoleum was built of raw brick with dimensions of 33 x 140 x 70 cm. It was an octangular dome volume with arched niches on the faces of the facades.
The southwestern edge of the octahedron is destroyed to the level of the two lower rows of bricks. The remains of the walls of the remaining edges preserved at a height of 2.5 m. The entrance to the mausoleum is presented in the form of an archway and is located on the east side.
Near the western wall, next to the old stone with the name of one of the descendants, there are three new tombstones with the names and dates of life of Sakkulak himself and his two sons. In 2000, a stone sarcophagus in the form of a domed octahedral centric composition was erected over the ruins of the mausoleum.
It is considered to be an architectural monument of the XIX century, located on the shore of the Korzhynkol Lake in Yereimentau district of Akmola region.
Geographic coordinates of Sakkulak bi mausoleum: N51°38'57 E73°21'37
1. «Өміршежіресі» book of Tursymbai Eralieva 2005
1. The book of the writer Sailaua Baibosyn «Ерейментау» "Ereimentau" 2009
2. Book of the writer Bokesh Meiram «Дала мен қала» (“Dala men kala”?) 2017
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