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Sandalash ridge.

Family tours in Tashkent.
“Nature will tell you a direct lie if she can”
Charles Darwin.
Transfer from Tashkent to Kokand.
The right river bank Chatkal below its inflow Karakysmak is made by slopes of the Sandalash ridge. This ridge branches off from the Talas Alatau in the neighborhood of top of 4217 meters above sea level where begin the river Karabura, Karakysmak and Ayutor (Sandalash pool).
The ridge stretched on the southwest almost on 75 - 80 kilometers separates the river Sandalash from the top part of Chatkal. Southeast slopes of the ridge are cut through by the right inflows of Chatkal flowing perpendicular to a crest.
These inflows, rather long and deep in a northeast part, become shorter to the southwest. The slopes turned to the river Sandalash, shorter, almost waterless, places abrupt, in the form of breaks, go down to the river. Therefore the most part of the valley of Sandalash, especially its course, is almost impassable.
For this reason through a crest of the Sandalash ridge few sheep path passes are laid. Chandalashy ridge. Pass Ashutor. From top of 4217 meters above sea level to the pass Ashutor the ridge (extent about 15 km) carries the name of the mountains Tulabayulgen.
Here the right inflows of Karakysmak originate, and on other side of the ridge the river Sandalash and the river Ayutor flows. The track from the pass Ashutor also brings to it. It begins at the mouth Chakmaksaya, at the road which goes along the right coast of Chatkal and nearly 15 km before rising by the pass Ashutor of 3600 meters above sea level I last And).
From a crest of the Sandalash ridge to Ayutor about 5 - 6 km, about 4 more km to the place where Ayutor, Chakmak, Tayalmysh merge, forming Sandalash. Descent is abrupt: at distance of 10 km height in 1000 m is lost.
Alexander Petrov.