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Sands Zhilimshyk on Mangyshlak.

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Anna Quindlen,
Package tour for guide on Mangyshlak.
The sands of Zhilimshyk consist of two groups of sands, the northern part of the sands is located in the Mangystau district in the north of the Mangystau region. The sands are located in the eastern part of the Buzachi Peninsula in the latitudinal direction.
On the east side along the sand of Zhilimshyk from the north to the south there are several necropolises, these are the necropolises of Kaip, Balkut, Bokush, Yernazar. Baldar Necropolis is located in the north-eastern part of the sands.
In the southeastern part of the sands is the Olzha Necropolis. The length of the northern part of the Zhilimshyk sands from west to east is 21 kilometers, the greatest width from north to south is 13 kilometers. Geographical coordinates of the northern part of the sands of Zhilimshyk N44 ° 59'58,31 "E53 ° 14'12.06"
In the west, the northern part of the sands of Zhilimshyk border on the small sands of Egizlak. The southern part of the Zhilimshyk sands is located 3 kilometers from the northern part of the Zhilimshyk sands. In the southern part of the Zhilimshyk sands there is the Etem hill and to the north from it the Kashmamet necropolis.
Akshymrau village is located 21 kilometers south-west of the southern part of the Zhilimshyk sands. In the east, 10 kilometers from the sands stretched from south-west to north-east of the Kaydak litter, its length is 194 kilometers.
The sands of Zhilimshyk are represented by hilly and cellular, fixed sands, the height of sandy mounds is 5 - 10, the depth of sandy cells is from 3 to 5 meters. In the sands of Zhilimshyk grow a feather grass, comb wheat grass, zhuzgun, weeds, biyurgun from shrubs in the sands are represented by Saxsaul.
Geographical coordinates of the southern part of the sands of Zhilimshyk N44 ° 50'54.05 "E53 ° 09'17.58"
Authority and photos
Alexander Petrov.