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Sights valley Boszhira.

Tours by jeeps on Mangyshlak.
“To travel is to live”
Hans Christian Andersen.
Central Asia and Mangyshlak tours.
Boszhira valley is located in east part of the Western cliffk Ustyurt in Karakiyansky district of Mangystau Region. Extent of the valley of Boszhira from the North on the South of 17 kilometers, and from the East on the West of 11 kilometers.
From North side the valley borders on Zhosaly hillock 268 meters high above sea level. From the southwest party Boszhira valley borders on Baysary valley. From the West natural border of the valley is the Western cliff of Ustyurt, from South side saline march Karashek settles down.
Here, in a southeast part of the valley there is a mountain Boszhira 287 meters high dominating among vicinities above sea level. Boszhira valley is in these vicinities a huge number of the stunning and dizzy sights of the remarkable nature of Mangystau. Sights of the valley of Boszhira are grandiose and unusual.
Here it is possible to carry the Oinak of Boszhira with which dizzy and fascinating types and panoramas open. Two grandiose lost mountain uplifted the sharp peaks in space, it is Azu tisteri. The closest of them towers on 49 meters, the second peaked peak towers on 25 meters.
On east part of the Oinak Boszhira, on the Western cliff of the plateau of Ustyurt there are 6 panoramic observation decks from which opens magnificent and excellent views of Boszhira valley. Wind which breaks from breaks of the Western Ustyurt carries on Boszhiraa space the fantastic imaginations and stories which turn under views of travelers into the pictures of the infinite nature of Mangystau blinding our look.
The greatest extent of Ortasha of the plateau of Boszhira from the East on the West makes more than 4 kilometers, from the North on the South more than 3 kilometers. From here majestic panoramas on the mountain which has an ideal cretaceous cone - Shoky tau of 226 meters above sea level open.
By the way, if we look at the mountain the Yurt 252,3 meters high above sea level from Ortasha of the plateau, we will see that it is lost mountain cut in half which if to look at it from Boszhira Glade, reminds an ideal form of a nomadic yurt.
From here ascension, through the ancient stone fence put by hands of the person on ancient cliff Ulken keme 243 meters high above sea level begins. From top Ulken kemt the tremendous and fantastic views of Azu tisteri and the litter which is lost in cretaceous space Karashek, Oynak Boszhira open.
From edge a cliff Ulken keme we can observe the most remote, matchless rocky cretaceous lost mountain Ushkir tau which are at the northernmost tip of Saline march Karashek. From east part of cliff Ulken kemt opens the delightful and concerning view of Borly tau mountain to, it is a wall a bastion stretched from the southwest on the northeast on 327 meters.
In a southwest part the greatest width of lost mountain of Borly tau ta makes 52 meters, in a northeast part the greatest width of 56 meters. Vertical walls of Borly tau reach more than 20 meters.
Geographic coordinates of the Boszhira valley: N43 ° 25'52.22 "E54 ° 05'22.76"
Authority and photos
Alexander Petrov.